RIIIIP OFF, what a cheese fest...

User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
The graphics are terrible, the cut scenes are cheesy and corny...def. just tried to pump out another COD waaaay too soon and the quality suffered for it. Capitalism at it's best, try to make the quick half a billion dollars again by duping people into thinking it's another solid hit. What a bunch of A$%Holes. I'm getting my money back, what the heck is going on here, Sellouts! As if your not rich enough?! I am really disappointed in the COD franchise to approve this title release. Further, gamespot is def. lying when they say it is a 9. Give me a break, grow some balls and be honest, we rely on you to do just that. Not mislead us into wasting our money because you have a good relationship with a company...corporate bullies. Please do not buy this game, you will be selling it back the next day like myself and your going to get store credit for it. I feel like an idiot because I was tricked and led to buy it like a lemming.