My review of the game from a multiplayer standpoint

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
So let me start off by saying that this game is fun and enjoyable. I like the new guns and the new system of buying the attachments for them and all the customization. This review of a 7.5 is what i think of the multiplayer part of the game im not a big fan of single p-layer and even if i was my friends are always wanting to play so i just dont get the time.

-the customization of the weapons and call tags
-the matchmaking is really good and not as many drops (so far) that i have encountered with MW2
-the weapons seem to be well balenced
-the challenge to make the perks pro is fun to aim for
-the contracts help diversify your use of weapons and kill streaks

Those are some of the things i liked but on the other had there were some things that disappointed me
-some of the weapons just seem to alike except for the sound they make
-the spawns can sometime piss people off(but this was with every COD game)
-the graphics really didnt change so much from the last 3 COD games

Those r some of the thing people might find disappointing but for me there was one thing that kinda got to me. I am a person who likes to snipe but this game is not to friendly to snipers. Most levels are small which makes it hard to snipe. But the major thing was that i work hard to get sligh of hand pro so i can have fast ADS to find out that sniper rifes are an exception. :( But a word of advice to people who do snipe get the acog scope because i find it works much better for the closer enviorment levels

So in conclusion I personally like the game and so will most people but if your looking for something brand new this isnt it. Its just the same thing that made the past games Great. So yes i suggest that you get this game becasue most of your friends if not all of them will be playing this for the next couple of months.