Lives up to expectations

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PS3
I believe Call of Duty: Black Ops lives up to what I expected... which means its awesome!

Campaign might have an absurd amount of action but it still has a great storyline and lots of combat.

Online multiplayer is just absolutely awesome. I don't know why people are saying the graphics are worse because I think they are way better than MW2. The online multiplayer has a new "feel" to it which might be good and might not. I believe its good because it distinguishes it from the other CODs. It's definitely not a copy of the other ones.

Zombie mode is AWESOME. Playing with a friend, you go on against zombies increasing in difficulty as you progress. You could spend hours playing this mode and it never gets old (i kinda did). I never played COD: WaW so I couldn't compare it to that but overall its excellent!

In conclusion, black ops lives up to its expectations. It is completely worth buying and everyone should play it for a few hours before giving it a