Black Ops fails to impress.

User Rating: 4 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
Are we the gaming public that hard up for games that a new title, however bad, is instantly praised by the gaming press? I sincerly hope it isn't, let me explain.

My COD bubble has certainly burst, from the sewing machine guns to the rediculous enemy AI there is nothing in the new Black Ops that deserves the praise being heaped upon it. The incomprehensible story throw us down mission after mission of mediocrity with little excitement or suprise. Run here, gun down 300 troops, shrug off 500 bullet wounds then continue, inspired....hell no. The enemy AI hasn't progressed at all, same goes for your friendly AI as they simply ignore soldiers who run past them. Every enemy on the battlefield has his sights set firmly on you and can even see through walls, your friendly soldiers offer little in the way of help and only prove to be a slight distraction before the enemy gets back to doing what it does best...shooting at you and only you. Your called on the destroy half the planet before the game ends and it all becomes ludicrous when you stop and think about it. Enemy bullets have an annoying habit of being able to breach any surface you hide behind and many times you will find yourself dead hiding behind a rock that you cannot hope to penetrate. The washed out colours do little to portray the varied landscape and the wall of sound throughout each level only serves to annoy. Throw in a handfull of new guns that sound remarkably like everyother gun in the COD lineup and your complete, game over.

The multiplayer is the same plate of beans just reheated and new maps, a few options have been added but its the same old plate of beans anyway you look at it. To say I'm dissapointed in Black Ops is an understatement, I'm horrified by it. To be served up the same old garbage with little or no refinement is an insult to the gaming community and yet what do we do? We all rush out and buy it only to discover those beans taste the same. I can honestly say it will be my last COD or MW game for a very long time untill they can at least bring it up to the standards we deserve.

I gave the game a 4 but really it only deserves a 2, as a stand alone title its rubbish, in fact it drags the franchise down a level from the lofty heights it once stood. Lucky my copy was purchased from a store with a return policy of 7 days, I seriously doubt I could get 7 days worth of gameplay out of this dire, tired and outdated overhyped cash cow.....moooooooooooo