Vietnam: Many a great men died, and with this latest installation, many considered suicide from monotomy and mediocracy

User Rating: 6.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
Here we sit again; our high hopes, heads filled with thoughts of gore, intense originality, fresh "high" from just buying something new. Boners that could hold a table up. But 20 minutes into it and you become flaccid, abashed, and agitated: just like when you discovered why that hooker last night was only $6 an hour (Yeah Fanny the tranny tricked me too).

Call of Duty: Black Ops is Treyarchs latest installation. It brings back the ever popular zombie game mode from CoD: WaW, and has a innovative and original menu screen. But thats about where the good stuff ends...

Pros: Zombies is even more in depth and fun.

Cons: The guns are sluggish and plastic looking. Graphics are severly downgraded in multiplayer; textures are half assed and look like legos. Multiplayer is just a regular FPS with some mediocre new toys added. Multiplayer maps are set up with aggrevating boundaries (like not getting on top of things such as rocks to get a good spot). Campaign is lacking and redundant. Campaign is just like the other CoD's; the forced shock of someone being shot... whoopdy frigin doo... been there done that.

My theory with CoD is that the series is just trying to become fast pace constant action, with no strategy or depth. You HAVE to have that distress of suspense when looking for players to make the actually gunfight epic (ask the horror film master Darrio Argento, he'll tell ya). Im fearing for FPS in general. As a new generation of gaming enters, the future for games is looking dim... now where did I put that pic of Fanny... oh oops, I didn't say that.
