An attempt at a fair review.

User Rating: 7.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
Call of Duty is Call of Duty. From 4 on, it has and always will have the same general formula. Not that I mind that... the multiplayer in these games is great. The campaigns are decent, and there is always one extra mode. But to me the time has come where I am starting to get bored of this franchise. In my 5 or so hours of gameplay (all online) I got a pretty good feel of what this game is about, so I will review it.

-Graphics: was surprised because I thought they would be better. The menu graphics seem bad at times, and I run on HD. Maybe it's just me..
-Connection: I can't play this game with my friends. We will just get separated immediately and keep inviting each other back. Hopefully this will change.
-Maps: Large and mostly repetitive.. once again promote some serious camping, but that can never be fixed.
-The problem with the economy for me is that it takes away too much of the game. Getting camos through headshots was great, now I just need to level up frustratingly and buy them.
-What is up with no stopping power? Am I the only one who thinks it is a legitimate perk with strategy? The length of time it takes to kill sometimes is amazing.
-Spawns: when you spawn directly behind an enemy or vice-versa, something is wrong.
-Customizing player card is more annoying.

-Some of the guns are fun and interesting to use.
-The maps are still believeable and learnable
-The RC car is amazingly fun. Such a great addition!
-The good thing about the economy is for attachments and new guns. I like the way it works in these areas, and I wish the whole game didn't rely on the money system.

To me this is a fun game but one that is once again frustrating and at times very unenjoyable. The beginning of each prestige is so painstaking that I almost don't see myself doing it at all. Overall, you get what you expect and not much more. It can be a great game, but you need to love it in order to enjoy it.