Another fantastic installment in the much loved COD series

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty: Black Ops X360
In a nut shell great multiplayer but the campaign could have been better.

The campaign mode suffers from the same issue I had with WAW and that is wave after wave of enemies being flung at me and all controlled by poor AI. I almost expected this before I bought the game and after 15 minutes of campaign play my fears were realised.

However the multi player so far is great, Treyarch have done well to pick the best and ditch the worst from MW2. There seems to be a healthy amount of customisation available and a good variety of play modes too. But I expected nothing short of completely mind blowing multiplayer and Black Ops has delivered.

Barely touched Zombies but my brief undead excursion was fun. The dialogue between the characters was amusing.

Over all Black ops is pretty much what a COD game should be...What where you expecting anyway!!!!!