I'm a big fan of call of duty but this one just does not add up. It is very dissapointing and is a huge waste of money.

User Rating: 3 | Call of Duty: Black Ops PS3
I really love the call of duty franchise but this game sucks the most out of all of them. Black ops is just really world at war and modern warfare 2 put together. I mean if it was not fo the zombies and the online play this game would not sell 10 copies. It is definitly the worst game I have ever played in my life. The stupid piece of trash cost me £45 so the next time I pass game I am going to get my money back without a doubt. The story on Black ops was just far to easy and so boring, if they put as much time into the story than the online play then the game would be a lot better dont you think? I am very genarous to be giving this game just a 1. When I get my money back I am going to get Assassins Creed Brotherhood because the story mode on that game is like a 1000000 times better than this game will ever be. So for any one who is reading this and is thinking about getting Black ops do not think bad of me because i have already said I love call of duty just not Black ops. Hopefully the next call of duty game will have a better story mode.