Decent fun for the time spent on it, though a little short and unmemorable.

User Rating: 7 | Call of Duty: Roads to Victory PSP
Even though it's technically hard to program a decent FPS on a PSP, the Call of Duty developers still must have a go at it, and they're quite good actually. In the Green mode, you could easily stroll through the 14 missions under 10 hours with a super-tough vitality and almost idiot-proof auto aiming, although I must say it really works in the PSP, where it facilitates headshots with just a little less challenge than using a PC. The hard and veteran mode would be inducing much more frustrations and aching thumbs.

With the elimination of health aids, it's easy to stay alive for most parts of the campaign if you just have the patience to wait at a corner before charging forward along the scripted sequences. Actually, if not for the short campaign and mediocre unlockables, the game puts you in a lot of interesting moments albeit cliche, like manning the turrets of an artillery platform, a Flak cannon, B-52 bomber, and the rare occasion of arti-bombing radio calls.

Frankly, this game would garner a higher rating if not for the over-priced premium tag.
