Call of Duty 2 translates seamlessly to the 360, though its multiplayer and online suffer due to the rushed launch.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Duty 2 X360
The general consensus is that PCs are greater than Consoles when it comes to games. The Xbox 360 and Call of Duty 2 beg to differ. Everything is just as smooth on the 360 and the controls are just as seamless and immersive, proving the 360 is a very formidable and versatile piece of tech. However, the online facet of Call of Duty 2 is very lacking on the Xbox 360, full of bugs and glitches, not to mention that the rush from single player doesn't translate to multiplayer when only 8 people can play at a time. However, this is the only area where the PC version of Call of Duty 2 is better than the 360. The sound in this game is where it truly excels, making you whip your head around because you could hear a bullet go zipping by your head. Get a surround sound system and a large HD monitor hooked up and you'll find gaming Nirvana. In the end, Call of Duty 2's suffers due to its lack of replayability, its very straightforward run-and-gun combat, and its very lacking multiplayer and online. However, its positives outweigh its negatives and is definitely, thus far, the most impressive and complete game for the Xbox 360.