Honestly, how can you resist the temptation of CABELA!!!

User Rating: 8.6 | Cabela's Dangerous Hunts XBOX
Alright.... Another Cabela game, but this one is slightly different. You kill other deadly animals in some kool environments... I kinda liked this one a bit more because there really is some nerve racking tension in it. And they really captured the reality of hunting, for example, the wind in your favor, which has been used in other Cabela games but i really admire the detail. Sure, the graphics COULD be better but, i'm not here to point fingers. But i just bought the game yesterday. This game is very easy though. In career mode on the challenges they are no problem to any gamer of any experience, except maybe to my crotchety old neighbor, Mr. Wimbulberry who has a butt as big as his big ass dog. And his breath smells like dead bunnies and radio-active cheerios. And he goes to bingo every friday night and always loses, and that's probly why he is such a evil old **** He's like, 50 years old. Anyway, this game is very fun all around. And i have read the other reviews and no seems to like this game... so i am a little misunderstood by their reaction.