A cracking FPS which can be bought for a song.

User Rating: 9 | Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 PC
Having just played BIA's sequel, BIA: Earned In Blood, I knew what to expect but wasn't disappointed. The gameplay is identical and any techniques developed in one game are transferable to the other. I thought I'd struggle to get into right clicking to order my teams about as I'm used to right click being aiming zoom on FPSs but it soon became second nature. Likewise using the E key to zoom in and C to crouch. You do a lot of crouching in EIB as some of the action is very intense.

The combination of running and gunning and RTS play - ordering your fire and assault teams, armour etc into position - is spot-on. I don't play RTS games as I find them tedious but EIB has the balance right. Indeed, knowing when to take on an enemy alone and when to go in mob-handed with one or both teams is part of the fun. Sometimes you'll assault a particularly difficult enemy position only to have both of your teams wiped out within seconds and you find yourself alone. Killing them all at close quarters is quite satisfying in that position; just clinching the 'saving progress' thing as you walk away after disposing of half a regiment on your own is superb!

The lack of grenades is an interesting aspect; knowing that you can't lay your hands on any out in the field makes sure that you don't waste the ones you do have. For those who particularly enjoy sniping, there are several chapters where your character Baker uses a scoped rifle to pick off attacking enemies.

Gearbox have to be commended for really bringing home how brutal the days after D-Day were. Baker's sad and thoughtful spoken insights between scenes very much establish these people as real. He speaks of his parents who divorced when he was young; how his dad left and how it affected him and how the loss of his fellow squadmates, particularly his close friend George brings home the sheer hell of what they went through. It's easy to forget how much we owe the real-life Bakers, Hartsocks et al for our freedom now.

The graphics are superb, it runs well on my basic Vista HP PC, the lack of music during play is fine as it doesn't distract you. The sound effects are brilliant; there's a real depth to the samples that adds to the realism. In conclusion I recommend this to any FPS gamer. It's not quite up to the Call of Duty/Medal of Honor WW2 FPS standard but it's damned close.