This shooter is fun to mess around in with it's parkour style combat.

User Rating: 6.5 | Brink PS3
The story line of this game is a letdown because there is no real connection to any characters at all. It is more of a squad based game that focuses on gameplay and objectives. The customization and character models look great with various styles for each person. To unlock weapon mods you have to play through the challenges and complete them. The more you complete, the more you unlock. The combat is pretty fun especially jumping around and sliding to surprise an enemy. This game is shallow in that it depends solely on gameplay mechanics which is not good because there are a lot of noticeable flaws in it. Gunplay is decent because it's easy to adapt to but not too out of the ordinary. The trophies in this game are quite easy to achieve and are pretty good because there are a lot of silver trophies for completing easy missions, so this would be a good game for some trophies hunters. This game is definitely not worth its full price but if you can find it cheap like me ($10 New) then i suggest getting because it is fun while it lasts.