this game is not worth your time.

User Rating: 3.5 | Breed PC
breed would actually be a lot of fun if it weren't for the pure stupidity of your teammates. they are incredibly effective at getting themselves killed and simply not firing their weapon when faced with enemies. i find it utterly ridiculous that the ai wasn't vastly improved before release. if it wasn't for the ai squad however, it would be kinda fun i think. the guns were kinda neat, the kills felt pretty satisfying but the ai teammate problem was too much for me to enjoy the good parts. i actually only made it through about 20 minutes of the first mission before i gave up on the game entirely. oh and one other minor yet major point, NO QUICKSAVE KEY?! i mean you can still save by going to the main menu and saving your game there but at this point in the history of first person shooters the quicksave key is pretty integral. everytime i saved it completely interrupted any rhythm the game may have been building. anyway, i say don't bother with this one.