It belongs to my sister, but I play it more *blushes*

User Rating: 6.7 | Bratz: Rock Angelz GBA
My sister got this for christmas and she couldn't do one of the bits, so handed it to me. I started to play it, and actually enjoyed it. At first you have to work for some snob called Burdine. She gets on your nerves. Eventually you get fired and find an invitation to an opening of a "Punk Rock" club in London in Burdine's junk mail (Well, don't we all find great invitations- all expenses paid in our Junk mail?) Then, it's off to London! there are loads on minigames to do and furniture and clothes and things to get.

Graphics- 3/10
The real downpoint of this game. Terrible graphics which are like a big pile of pixelated blocks.

Gameplay- 6/10
Mini games to play and the game follows the film which I was made watch by my sister. The dancing mini game in London is really annoying as the control timing is awfull

Sound- 5/10
Annoying tunes and some annoying SFX

Theres quite a lot to do and you will replay the minigames to get more "bling bling" (currency)

Although Bratz Rock Angelz was ment for American girls it can actually be enjoyed by all.