BB Rocket is a likable rhythm action game that is initially diverting.

User Rating: 6.3 | Boom Boom Rocket X360
Pros: rhythm action game for the XBLA; nice fireworks; music display mode

Cons: limited set of songs; boring backgrounds; not even close to Guitar Hero

Achievements Rating: Hard

Boom Boom Rocket is the first rhythm action game to appear on XBLA. Unfortunately rather than using the vision-cam, or even the GH2 peripheral, it just uses the controller, which is OK in small doses but doesn't have the same enjoyment.

Boom Boom Rocket features some nice firework effects, 10 reasonable tunes, and an interesting (if repetitive) city scape. The "demo" mode -to your own music- is a nice idea whilst the different gameplay modes offer some variety.

Boom Boom Rocket is a likable rhythm action game that is initially diverting but becomes old very quickly.