Great game, although it can be a bit aggravating at times.

User Rating: 8 | Bookworm Deluxe PC
As Popcap games go this one is pretty good.. One solid play can last you a nice hour.. I found the game pretty fun, but also aggravating. My aggravation is due to the game not recognizing all the words in the english language. Sure that would be hard to do, and can make the game a bit easier to play.. After all the game DOES recognize foul language, which is just "weird". At any rate the challenge, for me at least, is finding what the game DOES accept as a word. This is the cause for my classification of "mixed reactions"

Now down to the basics:

Gameplay: easy to pick up and play. you can make the game as easy or as hard as you want.

Graphics: scrabble.. hmm not much there.. but it does have nice graphics for what type of game that it is.

Sound: the music can be tiresome but you learn to tune it out after a while, and the sound effects are pretty good.

Value: If I were to say that every Popcap game doesn't have an end.. I would be more or less right.. but the added bonus of different game modes does enhance the gameplay.

Tilt: Its a great game.. just annoys me at times. :/

Plays well via STEAM.