While it's not the best Bomberman game, Bomberman World is not as bad as Gamespot and other users make it seem.

User Rating: 6.5 | Bomberman World PS
At least I don't see it that way. It just seemed like a typical Bomberman game with ugly graphics to me. I did find Bomberman's childish "Noooo" when defeated to be equally annoying as it was humorous. I just don't seem much wrong with this game other than the previously mentioned terrible graphics and its inability to differenciate itself from other games in the series.

My Breakdown:

What's Good:

- The game play if you like Bomberman games
- The ability to choose different looking "Bombermen"

What's Not-So-Good:

- Bomberman's temper tanturum when he looses

What's Bad:

- Terrible graphics
- The game isn't really anything special to the series

In all, I would only advice Bomberman fans to give this game a chance. All newcomers stay away...its usually a lot prettier looking and Bomberman is not usually this whinny.