yes, it's kid-friendly. But that does NOT mean $%#&.

User Rating: 8 | Bomberman Generation GC
Bomerman generation for the GC, came out in the GC's "good time" when it was selling well. And yes, it's kid-friendly. But that does NOT mean $%#&. First off, the gameplay is superb. Simple yet complicated. Your attaks are bomb, BIG bomb, and throwing bombs. But you get power ups. like new types of bombs, and little creatures that give your abilites, like a remote controle for your bombs, and a line of bombs. But all your enemies just run around. Exept for the bosses. which are AWESOME. each boss has a relitivly different why of beating them. they are almost as well done as Shadow of the colossus, minus the epic large-scale feel. Now on to the graphics. They are colorful as heck. But average. The sound design is mostly good. Final verdict: While with some kiddy elements, everybody with a GC needs to at least rent this game. I personaly borrowed from a friend, and loved every minute of it.