This Bomberman may be the best Bomberman out there mainly because of the PSP's bright, clear, and large screen! >Read

User Rating: 8.8 | Bomberman Portable PSP
Everyone remembers Bomberman, but it seems as if he died over the years because his games weren't very appealing. This time, Hudson did it right. They used PSP's screen to their advantage and made a great game. I get this addictive feeling when playing Battle. The Normal mode was good, but I wish they had some more level designs. Grass and boxes get boring after two or three levels. The downfall of this game is Wi-Fi. Why doesn't this game have it? Hudson should of because I would love to bomb people throughout the world. Anyways, if you want a game to keep you busy for weeks because of it's 100 levels and more, then buy this game. This game does get you addicted and I hopew that Hudson makes a Bomberman with Wi-Fi for PSP.