There are a lot of games out there that get more praise than they deserve...this game should get some that it didnt.

User Rating: 7.5 | BlackSite: Area 51 PC
Sure BlackSite Area 51 was nothing ground breaking, and sure the graphics and voice acting were decent at best, but it was one thing...simple, basic, and just plain fun.

Graphics - Standard, simple, no issue, no glitches, no crashes...I was happy.

Gameplay - This is where the game excelled...despite thiking to myself 10 different times "this game is really stupid, I'm done" I found myself firing up my pc and really looking forward to playing. And not just a few hours like some, nice gameplay time with this one. As for the storyline...well, lets just say it was weak at best. Still, once you got past the bad acting, and just looked at the game as a fun way to spend some time, all was good.

Overall - Go ahead and check your bargain bin for BlackSite, I was glad I did, and you will be too.