"It's not bad, but theres nothing good about it, its just a game."

User Rating: 6.5 | BlackSite: Area 51 X360
When I first heard of this game I was very excited thinking it was a sequel to area 51, turns out it wasnt and if it was(99% sure it isnt) its a poor excuse for one. The Story takes place in modern day U.S, u were part of a unit that saw something strange take place in iraq a few months back, you are called in because they believe they are seeing what you saw in Iraq, you are supposed to hold off the alien and mutants from taking over the world with a few twists here and there. The Gameplay is very boring, you can command your squad but it doesnt matter if you do or dont, they still suck. The guns also are bad there are only 6-7 guns in the game and it would be alright if they were FUN to use but they are not and they suck all of the fun a FPS should have. You can also drive in vehicles which could be fun but is worse than the guns. THe Graphics are strange, they can be remarkable at times and at other times okay and glitchy. Thes sound in the game is pretty good from the worms emerging from the ground but not so hot with the guns sound, the acting is also par with some good and some bad. My main problem with this game is that it didnt try to do anything different to seperate itself from the other games, its has no attempt at all and that just shows a lack of effort on their part. The story mode lasts about 8-10 hours but theres also a multiplayer mode but there might as well not be one because i have never seen more than 6 people online playing this game and I dont blame them, its boring, they should be playing GOW or COD4 or GTA4 but not this theres nothing special about the MP. Overall if you really really want to play this game just rent it, its not worth the price to keep you'll just be using it as a frizbee soon.