A game of exquisite quality in the F2P FPS genre

User Rating: 8.5 | Blacklight: Retribution PC
Black light retribution is Free To Play.
this is important to remember since u may recognize it as one if you'll judge only by the game-play and graphics.

the game isn't original, but it has it's shines
first of all - the weapon system.
instead of making you choose a specified class with a specific role, you can craft your own weapon and gear from 6 different receivers (7 when you unlock it) and a boatloads of barrels, magazines, scopes, stocks etc...

this game requires skill more than money, since even the first gun is fairly powerful, you'll be able to rack kills from lvl 1.
when you begin the game you get a beginner's pack which contains 3 different receivers some barrels and stocks which lasts 3 days. but you'll get enough money to buy all the rest from 1-2 battles.
everything is fairly cheap (200 free points per receiver, everything else costs around the same or less and you can get around 100-300 per battle at the beginning)
the only thing money can get you is earlier unlocks and colors. a non paying person can easily defeat a paying person of the same skill lvl

Second - the game-play
the gun-play is VERY solid, this game has the best recoil system I've ever seen. in stead of the gun just flying everywhere like usual FPS games, the recoil here differ's with several factors, and instead of staying around the same lvl it increases as u spray longer, which supports bursts and single shots rather then spraying (unless you're using an LMG/SMG)

one of the most special things in this game is the HRV, which lets you track down all friendlies and enemies in the area, even behind walls, which makes hard life for campers, but when you are using it, you are very vulnerable so it doesn't hurt the balance of the game-play.
another thing are the Depots. all around the maps there are special depots that allow you to restore health, ammo buy powerful weapons or even a hardsuit.
the hard suits are extremely versatile, and can kill a whole squad in seconds but they all have a randomly generated weak-point, and are vulnerable to rockets and flamers.
i think the hardsuits are overpowered since there is no way you can take them down alone, and if they're facing you you are a dead man, but the game is being patched regularly so i think they'll change it soon.

Graphics - 10/10, this game has the best graphics in F2P games so far
Game-play - 7.5/10, great gun-play but some balance issues
uniqueness - 7/10, some nice innovations, but it doesn't remake the genre
Lasting appeal - 9/10, there are many weapons, maps are added all the time and every lvl you unlock something else, so it's worth playing on just to see what is the next thing you'll get

ps. ITS NOT PAY2WIN! u can unlock everything without paying 1$!