A truly different game for me: one without guns. But how much do I like it? Sorta kinda, actually....

User Rating: 7 | Black & Bruised PS2
My favorite games are shooters. I honestly don't know why I picked this up. I guess I was bored of the shooting that I play so much. I usually have a problem with these kinds of games (fighting; and I have some with this one), but this is the fourth best (out of like, ten) but don't expect me to candy-coat anything.

First the bad:

A.I is either wickedly smart or profoundly stupid

"Boxer's Life" mode is a big waste of time (It puts crappy handicaps on you that render it unplayable; I just used cheats)

No mode where there are no powerups

Blocking is unresponsive

Now the good:

The fighting is quite fast paced

Everything but the music sounds good.

Interface is alright

Okay, now I'm going to average gameplay, sound, graphics, and presentation.

Gameplay: Its average. Total button mashing on low difficulties, but on high difficulties you have no chance, so its hard to find a good "comfort point", though if one were to give it time, its all good. Large emphasis on those powerups that give you health, better defense, or stronger punches. 7/10

Sound: The main theme is rock. I like rock, but not this rock, as it is just the same minute over again.. Some arenas don't have music, which is all good, because it really gets lost in everything else, due to the fact of it being ten seconds in a loop. The characters all sound different. Taunts at the beginning of the rounds are occasionally funny, if explicit. 7/10

Graphics: Cell-shaded. Cartoony. Gives the Characters distinct look and you can tell when they've been hit a lot, though it doesn't affect gameplay, so its really just a nice little addition. 7/10

Presentation: Each of the fights in the Boxer's life start with a cutscene. A matches start with the two characters insulting each other. Main Menu is Spartan; it just has the names of the gametype, credits, and options, but is easily navigatable. 7/10

Overall, this game is good, though sometimes frustrating. But its cheap. Which is likely the other reason why I bought it.