Don't believe what people say about the story (Spoilers related to BioShock 1)

User Rating: 9 | BioShock 2 PS3
The story in BioShock 2 is amazing. The problem with people comparing it to the first is in the fact that the first presented two incredible storylines at once: the story of Jack's venture into Rapture and learning who he is, and the story of Rapture itself. The true narrative of BioShock 1 is simply Jack's story, and the story in BioShock 2 of Subject Delta is just as good, if not better, than that plotline. However, the first game also introduced Rapture, allowing you to experience for the first time the fallen utopia and learn about how it was built and destroyed. In the second game, that mystery no longer exists, so you are left with one storyline as opposed to the two in the first game. The point is, the first had two great stories, the second has just one. But that one story is well crafted and will definitely surprise you, no matter how much you think you know what will happen. Do not believe the reviews in that sense, because they are simply misguided. BioShock 2 is an amazing game, well worth the money and time. Play it, or I will hunt you down. The end.