Looking for a single player focused, 3rd person shooter with a great story and super fun shooting mechanics? Look here!

User Rating: 8.5 | Binary Domain PS3
Binary Domain is a great game that will unfortunately be overlooked by many. If you were a fan of Vanquish then do not hesitate to pick up Binary Domain.
The Good:
-An interesting, thought provoking sci-fi story which is well above the standard set by most video games.
-Fun-tastic cover based 3rd person shooting. Watching robots explode in pieces as arms, legs, heads, and pieces of armour go flying never gets old. A similar mechanic to the 'strategic dismemberment' found in Dead Space, only better.
-Choice of team members taken in each section and how you treat them impacts on the cutscenes and story to some degree and improve replay value.
-Team members are all likeable, interesting, and have some good/funny dialogue during cutscenes.
-The art design of this near future world (2080) is familiar yet unique.
-The graphics are very solid, on par with Vanquish.
-There are plenty of boss battle that take some strategy to complete and involve really cool looking giant robots.
-There is plenty of variety with 3rd person shooting broken up by on rails shooting segments, some light rpg-ish conversation sections, and a number of other events.
The Bad:
-Team members AI is not great as they will run in front of you while you are shooting quite a bit.
-Some difficulty spikes however these are not too severe.
-A pet peve perhaps but I dont like having the camera fixed behind the character in 3rd person games. I would have preferred to be able to rotate the camera around the character (like in Vanquish, Uncharted, Dead Space, Mass Effect).
Overall if you miss out on this game it really is your loss. I won't hold my breath but lets hope for a sequel.