......it's here ladies and gentlemen.

User Rating: 2 | Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing PC
If any experience has taught us that a movie or game can be so terrible, so pitiful, so messed up, that in some sick and twisted way it's actually good, it's The Room. Room, meet Big Rigs. Big Rigs meet Room.

[Presentation: N/A /10 Gameplay: What? Verdict: 2/10*]

*By the way, if you're curious as to how this game managed to squeak by with a 2.0/10, once a game reaches subzero on the rating scale, I begin counting back up. I figure if the publishers made a game that bad, there was simply no way that they achieved it without putting significant effort into it, and therefore, are commendable. For in-depth and worth-while reviews, head on over to my profile Sukharevskaya (don't ask, it's Russian for something) to check them out. I strive to ensure that my reviews are not limited to current releases and cover a variety of genres and consoles. Ah, that should cover the 100 word minimum...maybe a couple more...there we go.

--Rating Calculation--
1) Gameplay is the main appeal of any videogame and accordingly includes a compilation of its playability, storyline, originality, value, and other factors unrelated to the game's Presentation.
2) Presentation is divided into two subcategories: Visual and Audio Design. An average of these is taken to formulate the Presentation score so as to give it equal weight to the Gameplay. Graphics or sound alone are not worth categories in themselves, thus the averaging.
3) The Verdict is the game's overall rating, combining the Gameplay and Presentation scores to reflect the defining quality of the game.