Battlefield 3 Dope Shiet... 5770/6850/6870 tips

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield 3 PC
BF3 is very graphics intensive. I'd recommend getting at least a 5770 to support minimal dx11. Playable on medium settings at 1080p. 6850/6870: I don't know if the drivers for these cards have been optimized for the game yet. Noticing 'mad' in-game screen glitching and disconnections due to 'wack' GPU overheating (even more so due to recent patch). Temperatures reached 80+C, stock. I recommend buying an aftermarket cooler: notably, the Gelid Icy Rev. 2 GPU cooler. Initially I'd glitch under high settings, 1080p, after at least 5 min of intensive gameplay. With the replacement of the POS stock gpu cooler, glitching ceased (extremely smooth) = been gaming nonstop since 'hahahaha suckas'.

Before (B) and After (A)

6850: B, high settings/1080p/glitching after 5min. A, ultra (aa off, ssao/motion blur off)/1080P/no problems

Overclocked to 850MHz/1140MHz 'w/ AFTERMARKET'**
Max temp = ~55C
Stock max = ~80+C

6870: B, high settings/1080p/glitching after 5min. A, ultra (aa off/motion blur off)/1080P/no problems

Overclocked to 1000MHz/1250MHz 'w/ AFTERMARKET'**
Max temp = 59C
Stock max = ~85+C

**Overclocking any PU with stock POS cooler will or may cause hardware failure
**Also make sure your CPU/Memory is not 'bottlenecking' your GPU

Tests ran with MSIburner, 64 Multiplayer BF3.