Its just arkham city again

User Rating: 6 | Batman: Arkham Origins PC

If you have played arkham city you have already played arkham origins, there really is nothing new whatsoever. If you were watching a friend play this game, you would not be able to tell if he was playing arkham origins or arkham city. I am getting tired of this modern generation of expansion pack game sequels. Call of duty, battlefield, batman, the list goes on and on.. Games should legally have to pass some sort of checklist in order to qualify as a "new" game. A "new" game should not be able to use anything from its predecessor. Then why would it be called new? Do you call a refurbished car new? no! There is nothing new here. But yeah.. legally these games should have be called expansion packs because thats what they are..

And even if arkham origins WAS an expansion pack it would still disappoint because it really doesn't add anything new.

But its not all bad, the game does not have performance issues like arkham city did on my PC. In arkham city i would get an occasional performance hitch and it would be quite annoying. I noticed it seems much smoother in arkham origins, but that is to be expected considering they have not improved much else.

Sadly this is all i have to say about arkham origins, the story is nothing special either.. Just more "bosses" trying to kill batman.. Oh and the perk system is completely identical, 25% increased melee damage protection, 25% increased bullet protection.. Yawn. Save your $50, you already beat this game if you beat arkham city.