It is getting better and better and repetitive and repetitive

User Rating: 8 | Assassin's Creed Origins PS4

Assassin's Creed is one of my favorite games due to science fiction part that involves each installment, I try to play them all. However, I consider that this franchise is being dried out, I rather one installment each 3 years with great improvements and depth history than a yearly installment that will saturate it. My plan would be new installment each 3 years with DLC release annual basis.

My point is: I spent 100 hours that I do not have trying to reach certain level of progress. I completed all the side quests and tried to get all the map covered. However, it becomes annoyingly the repetitiveness of the game. 10 hours out of 100 hours are story-telling, the other 90% is repetitiveness, completely unbalance criteria of the developer. It is far better to balance the main history to at least 50% of total invested hours in order to satisfy most of the gamers (I mean, no all gamers have free time to invest 90 hours trying to get 100% of nothing or unsatisfying side quests of missions because of the repetitiveness). 20 hours of great experience are far better than 100 hours of empty game-play.

Story: the aforementioned 10 hours of storytelling is great, very well develop (maybe some depth in the story would be great). My recommendation is trying to get a more related score (music) in the game. The best movies and games have that score / music behind that we usually do not realize is there but it really enhances that audience experience (for instance: Halo, Castlevania, Battlefield V, God of War, Final Fantasy. 9 out of 10

Length: Unnecessary long. 6 out of 10

Graphics: Great!. 9 out of 10

Despite my critics, I highly recommend to play this game. Looking forward to play Oddyssey that looks great!.