Compared to the sequels, this game is poor, but it still is playable

User Rating: 8 | Assassin's Creed X360
Truthfully aspects of this game seem rushed and broken, and when playing this game you can run into several problems. 1st of all, at times the AI is to sensitive and won't be even in sight when you kill someone (I literally had some who were separated from me by walls and still somehow noticed I had done something and came charging around the corner many seconds afterward and found me when I was blending) and they will find you. Other times it seems you get away too easily as in there will be like 5 guards within 5 feet of you, all facing you, and you kill your target and then wait for the opportunity to blend and you get away. Another problem (maybe intentional) is when you are knocked by a drunk or a mentally ill person, and are shoved into a guard, the guard attacks and in some instances, you are immediately surrounded by 20 guards all fighting you, and honestly the fighting in this game is tough (a lot more so than AC2 or BH) and not very fluid (sorta confusing controls). Another problem is the repetitiveness of the game. Yea the story line is really cool but the gameplay is the same thing over and over again: There are 4 basic mission types, and there are 6 total missions before each assassination (you don't have to do all of them but should for an achievement): Pickpocketing where you listen in on 2 or 3 people talking and one has an important document in a bag and you must retrieve it; Eavesdropping where you sit on a bench and listen in on someone's conversation (really doesn't make sense); Interrogation, where you beat up someone for information then kill them; and Informer assignments, 2 types, one where you must race against a clock to retrieve flags shown on your map and the second is either timed or unlimited time and you must kill some targets for the informer. Along with these missions, there are citizens that are being held by guards and you must save them, and there are viewpoints. You have to do this for each assassination and it really does get repetitive. Next is graphics and environments: graphics are considerably good (about the same as ACBH graphics but the facial graphics are not nearly as good) but the environment and detail of each city is not what is seen in AC2 of BH as there are very few historically accurate sites in each city and the cities are rather bland looking/feeling. Lastly, the highlight of this game is the story. The story of the assassin Altair is pretty good but the story of Desmond is very deep (here is a hint: during the game access Lucy's computer, a lot of information there, then at one time you must pickpocket the old dude for his password and you then get one his computer then later on you can access the computer in the conference room, all of these have good information the builds the story). I would say anything specific about the story as you should find it out yourself. My final comments are, this game was indifferent, not bad but the fact it was tech-demo shows. Overall 8/10