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Xbox Series S Comes With More Than $100 Of Free Subscriptions At Best Buy

Best Buy is bundling Game Pass Ultimate and two streaming subscriptions with the $300 Xbox Series S right now.


Snagging an Xbox Series X can still be a bit challenging at times, but its more affordable sibling, Xbox Series S, is easy to find at most major retailers. Its increased availability has led to some good deals in recent months, including this current one at Best Buy--which is offering three months of Game Pass Ultimate for free with your purchase.

Not only is Best Buy bundling in three months of Game Pass, but you’ll also get a free 30-day subscription to fuboTV and a three-month subscription to Apple TV+. Game Pass Ultimate normally costs $45 for three months, fuboTV is priced at $70 per month, and Apple TV+ is $15 for three months. So you're getting over $100 worth of subscriptions with the Series S.

If you're new to Game Pass, you should redeem Microsoft's current deal first before entering in your three-month subscription code. Microsoft is currently offering three months of Game Pass Ultimate for just $1 total. That means you'll have six months of access to Game Pass Ultimate for free, essentially.

Xbox Game Pass has only grown over the years, with hundreds of games now in its catalogue. In fact, the highly reviewed TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge was launched Day One on the platform last week, giving you something brand new to check out on your Series S. Your Game Pass Ultimate subscription also gives you access to games on PC and mobile via cloud streaming--making it easy to get your money’s worth out of your purchase.

The Xbox Series S is much more affordable than the Series X, clocking in at just $300. Select Best Buy locations offer same-day pickup, or you can opt for free shipping that could get it to you as soon as Thursday.

If you’re in the market for the Xbox Series X, Microsoft currently has the console in stock for $500.

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