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Xbox Reportedly Passed On Genshin Impact

The free-to-play hit has made a lot of money for Sony, but a new report claims Xbox failed to make a deal with developer MiHoYo.


For the two years since it first released, Genshin Impact has been console exclusive to PlayStation, with a new report saying Xbox failed to reach a deal with developer MiHoYo while it was still in development.

A recent Reuters report looks into Microsoft's focus on the Chinese game industry, citing missing out on Genshin Impact as one of the reasons behind its increased interest in the region. The game has earned billions just on mobile platforms, and presumably has made a lot of money for Sony across PlayStation 4 and 5 as well.

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An anonymous source quoted by Reuters claims that Xbox spoke to MiHoYo (now HoYoverse) when Genshin Impact was early in development but didn't reach a deal, something Microsoft now has regrets about. Another source claims that this experience is driving Microsoft's current search to recruit Chinese developers. They added that Genshin Impact has made a lot of money for Sony, though just how much is unclear, as there is no publicly available data for the game's revenue on PlayStation.

HoYoverse has recently confirmed that Genshin Impact is still in development for the Nintendo Switch, leaving Xbox as the only console the game hasn't currently been announced for.

Microsoft is still hoping to net its own Genshin Impact, according to the Reuters report, with the effort involving a brand-new team who will scout for promising games from Chinese developers.

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