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Xbox One Gets Another UI Update - Here's What Is Changing

The Guide menu is getting an overhaul, and it's out for Xbox Insiders right now.


Since its launch in 2013, Microsoft has been iterating extensively on the Xbox One's user-interface. The latest update overhauled the main menu, options placements, and the overall performance. Today, Xbox Insiders can give feedback on a brand-new Guide interface.

The Guide menu is overlaid on your screen whenever you hit the Xbox button, letting you navigate to specific screens or edit settings without leaving your game. It's a multi-faceted menu, with multiple tabs that spread out from the center starting point. That's where the changes begin in the latest update, with all menu tabs now reading from left to right.

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The order of the tabs can be customized to your liking from the "Profile and system" tab, which is now under your account profile picture on the far-left of the tab menu. Parties, messages, and invites have all been collected into a single tab too, letting you communicate with other players and join matches without having to hop between two different tabs.

In addition to the revamped Guide menu, Microsoft has also added the "Surprise Me" button back into your Games and Apps library, serving you a random, unplayed game from your library when hit. You can also manage game storage from this view directly, letting you uninstall games with fewer steps.

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The updates are in testing for Xbox Insiders, with some already being served the update earlier this month. Microsoft says that more will be invited during April, with any changes being communicated through Xbox Wire over the coming weeks.

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