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Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Console Modes And PC Requirements Revealed

Team Ninja's Nioh successor has plenty of visual options on PC and console.


Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty developer Team Ninja has provided new technical details on the game, including which performance modes console players can expect and the recommended requirements for PC users. For Xbox and PlayStation players, the graphics modes on offer won't be too surprising. Current-gen systems such as the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S get the usual Performance and Resolution options, with these modes favoring frame rate and resolution, respectfully.

Team Ninja noted that Resolution mode targets a full 4K output while Performance mode aims to deliver a smooth 60fps experience, and on Xbox Series S, Quality mode targets a 2560×1440 resolution. On last-gen consoles, don't expect to see more than 30fps on those older machines. While the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro are targeting 4K resolutions, the Xbox One and base PS4 will deliver 1080p visuals at 30fps.

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PC requirements for the game lean towards the demanding side, as you'll need a GTX 1650, 8GB of RAM, and 60GB of storage space to get 720p and 30fps. For a better experience at 1080p and 60fps, you'll need to have a GeForce RTX 2060 and 16GB of RAM inside your PC. Team Ninja is still finalizing the PC requirements for Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and the studio says that its internal testing has the game running at 4K 60fps using a GeForce RTX 3080 and graphics set to standard.

Steam Deck players may want to hold off on grabbing the game as Team Ninja has said that it will be unsupported on that handheld PC gaming system. The good news is that current-gen upgrades from PS4 to PS5 and Xbox One to Xbox Series X|S will be free, and there will be cross-save support between console families.

Before it releases on March 3, there'll be a final Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty demo available from February 24 through March 26, which features the first two chapters of the game. A spiritual successor to Team Ninja's Souls-like Nioh series, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will also be available day one on Xbox Game Pass.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Console Modes


  • Resolution Mode - Prioritizes high resolution
  • Performance Mode - Prioritizes high frame rate
  • Target frame rate: 60fps
  • Maximum output resolution: 3840×2160

PS4 Pro

  • Target frame rate: 30fps
  • Maximum output resolution: 3840×2160


  • Target frame rate: 30fps
  • Maximum output resolution: 1920×1080

Xbox Series X

  • Resolution Mode - Prioritizes high resolution
  • Performance Mode - Prioritizes high frame rate
  • Target frame rate: 60fps
  • Maximum output resolution: 3840×2160

Xbox Series S

  • Resolution Mode - Prioritizes high resolution
  • Performance Mode - Prioritizes high frame rate
  • Target frame rate: 60fps
  • Maximum output resolution: 2560×1440

Xbox One X

  • Target frame rate: 30fps
  • Maximum output resolution: 3840×2160

Xbox One

  • Target frame rate: 30fps
  • Maximum output resolution: 1920×1080

PC minimum requirements

Based on an HDD, 720p, 30fps environment, and graphics set to best performance.

  • Windows 10, 64bit / Windows 11, 64bit
  • Intel Core i5-8400 or over / AMD Ryzen 5 3400G or over
  • 8GB RAM
  • GeForce GTX 1650(VRAM 4GB) / Radeon RX 570(VRAM 4GB)
  • 60GB storage capacity
  • DirectX 12

PC recommended requirements

Based on an HDD, 1080p, 60fps environment, and graphics set to standard.

  • Windows 10, 64bit / Windows 11, 64bit
  • Intel Core i7-8700 / AMD Ryzen 5 3600XT or over
  • 16GB RAM
  • GeForce RTX 2060(VRAM 6GB) / Radeon RX 5700 XT(VRAM 8GB)
  • 60GB storage capacity
  • DirectX 12
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