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Weird West, An Upcoming Game From Dishonored And Prey Co-Creators, Gets New Trailer

Weird West changes things up for the immersive simulator genre by playing in the third-person perspective as opposed to first-person.


During the PC Gamer show, a new trailer for Weird West was released. The upcoming immersive simulator comes from a studio headed by the co-creators of Dishonored and Prey.

As seen in the trailer, included at the start of the PC Gamer segment that's embedded below, Weird West takes place in a Wild West-like setting but also features supernatural elements. The game will feature permadeath on its hardest difficulty.

Unlike Dishonored and Prey, Weird West plays in third-person and features multiple protagonists. You'll play as five different people in Weird West and your decisions with each character can have impacts on the story. If you manage to keep protagonists alive, you can come back and recruit them to your party when the game transitions you to the next character.

Weird West is not the first third-person immersive sim. We've seen examples of this style of game before, like 2019's Disco Elysium--which we named as one of the best games of 2019.

Currently, Weird West is scheduled to release in 2021. A demo is expected soon, but there's no exact date.

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