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The Matrix Hacks Into Fortnite With New Emotes And Weapon Wrap

The new Matrix-themed items are noticeably lacking a new skin.


What if I told you Fortnite will soon be adding new items for The Matrix to its item shop? Well it's true; new Matrix-themed emotes and a weapon wrap are coming today.

Two new emotes are part of the new Matrix set of items, one letting the player perform Trinity's iconic floating kick, while the other imitates Neo's bullet-dodging lean backward. A new gun wrap will also be available: the Ones and Zeroes wrap, earning the name due to its portrayal of the green-on-black binary code from the Matrix movies.

The items join the Sentinel glider--earned as part of the ongoing Winterfest activities--in the full Matrix set. The Sentinel glider can be opened as a present during Fortnite's Winterfest event, which ends January 6 at 6 AM PT / 9 AM ET.

There is one noticeable omission from the Matrix's current Fortnite set: a skin of one of the movie's characters. While Neo will not be joining Fortnite (for now), the actor that plays the role, Keanu Reeves, already exists in Fortnite's universe as John Wick.

Fortnite's Winterfest event includes more than a dozen new items that players can receive via opening gifts, including the Krisabelle and Polar Peely skins and multiple weapon wraps, sprays, and emotes.

Jason Fanelli on Google+

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