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The Last Of Us 2's Neil Druckmann Had Message For His Team About "Haters"

Neil Druckmann sent an email to his team after the positive review scores came in, and he ended it with "f**k the haters."


After the review scores for The Last of Us Part II came in--and they were very good--writer-director Neil Druckmann sent an email to his team to thank them for their hard work. Druckmann has now shared some insight on what he said in the email, including his response to the haters.

Speaking to actor Troy Baker, who plays Joel in the game, Druckmann said he originally wanted to send thank-you texts to every developer, one by one. However, the team's sheer size made that impossible. Instead, he decided to send a message on a larger scale. He ended up using email rather than text.

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Druckmann said he was writing a text to art director John Sweeney, with whom he clashed often throughout development, and he began to cry. His reason for crying still isn't clear to him.

"When the reviews hit, he was one of the first people I thought of to text personally. I'm starting to write this text to him, 'Dude, I know we didn't always see eye to eye...' As I'm writing this text, I'm starting to cry, and I couldn't even understand why I'm crying. I realize I can't text everybody on the team--there's just too many people on the team. I just have to write the whole team an email, and I'm not very good at that stuff."

Druckmann said he doesn't remember exactly what he wrote to his team, but it touched on how he was getting too much personal praise when people should understand that making The Last of Us 2 was a team effort. He also told his team that he's never been prouder of any game he's worked on.

He also had a message for the haters. As it turns out, he isn't a big fan of them!

"I don't remember exactly what I wrote, but I'm writing about my fears like I'm getting too much praise and it's not being seen enough as a team project--but this is a Naughty Dog game, in every sense of the word," Druckmann said. "I forget how I ended it, but it was something to the effect of, 'Review scores are cool, but seeing your guys' pride is what I live for.'"

"The reviews were awesome, and it's great to hear people love the game and how much it resonates with them, but nothing comes close to hearing you, or Laura, or John, or any member of the team that has sent me an email since the game has come out to say this is the best game I've ever worked on. F**k the haters. Nothing makes me prouder that I've worked on in my life than this game."

Also in the interview, Druckmann spoke about how he does not focus too much on sales. He only hopes his games can make enough money to convince Sony to allow Naughty Dog to keep doing what it does.

"Our job is not to maximize profits or sales," he said. "The game is selling well, and I don't care. Just to talk about sales for a second, I just want to sell enough so we can do it again. So Sony will keep trusting us and giving us the creative freedom to do whatever we need to do. And anything beyond that is just gravy."

For what it's worth, The Last of Us Part II is a gigantic sales success. The game sold more than 4 million copies in its first three days, setting new PlayStation records.

Naughty Dog is now working on The Last of Us Part II's new multiplayer/online mode, while the company is also thinking about what might come next like The Last of Us III or something else.

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The attitudes and the audacity of these developers and people in general who sell us products is ridiculous nowadays. Never in my entire life up until a few years ago have I seen these people insult or ridicule their consumers, it's nuts.

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@asultana121x: Nah. It's more like a portion of the gaming community thinks they get to go to whatever restaurant they want and then demand that they be served something that's not on the menu.

Don't like the story or something else? Fine. But you weren't personally wronged as a consumer by them failing to write the story you would have preferred in terms of who lives or dies or what the ending is or whether a character has a certain orientation or whatever. Grow the hell up. They don't owe you anything and you're not entitled to anything. You got your $60 dollars worth even if you didn't like it.

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@esqueejy said:

@asultana121x: Nah. It's more like a portion of the gaming community thinks they get to go to whatever restaurant they want and then demand that they be served something that's not on the menu.

Don't like the story or something else? Fine. But you weren't personally wronged as a consumer by them failing to write the story you would have preferred in terms of who lives or dies or what the ending is or whether a character has a certain orientation or whatever. Grow the hell up. They don't owe you anything and you're not entitled to anything. You got your $60 dollars worth even if you didn't like it.

Holy Moses. He thinks that developers have a bad attitude compared to gamers? Hahaha! He's got to be kidding, surely.

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@biggest_loser: I don't see developers throwing tantrums all over the internet, behaving like entitled toddlers, attacking people, using misinformation to anger others and recruit them to the tantrum and even inventing conspiracy theories to explain why they haven't been given what they wanted.

Naughty Dog did nothing wrong making LOU2. Nothing. They made the product the way they wanted and hoped everyone would like it. That some people didn't would be fine if those people hadn't also behaved like complete and utter frickin a-holes. And that's not to say that everyone who was disappointed or criticized the game behaved that way, but a lot of people did, and those are the "haters" who can go eff themselves.

And here's a clue, champ: if you have somehow attributed a bad attitude to a developer because they didn't make their game the way you wanted it or would have preferred, you're projecting.*

* setting aside the wrath of god that should be visited upon things like loot box cash grabs, etc., but those aren't at issue here with LOU2.

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@esqueejy said:

@biggest_loser: I don't see developers throwing tantrums all over the internet, behaving like entitled toddlers, attacking people, using misinformation to anger others and recruit them to the tantrum and even inventing conspiracy theories to explain why they haven't been given what they wanted.

Naughty Dog did nothing wrong making LOU2. Nothing. They made the product the way they wanted and hoped everyone would like it. That some people didn't would be fine if those people hadn't also behaved like complete and utter frickin a-holes. And that's not to say that everyone who was disappointed or criticized the game behaved that way, but a lot of people did, and those are the "haters" who can go eff themselves.

And here's a clue, champ: if you have somehow attributed a bad attitude to a developer because they didn't make their game the way you wanted it or would have preferred, you're projecting.*

* setting aside the wrath of god that should be visited upon things like loot box cash grabs, etc., but those aren't at issue here with LOU2.

We're on the same side. I agree with you.

Gamers are acting like entitled children and ND did nothing wrong. They took huge risks that paid off in a big way.

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mogan  Moderator

@esqueejy: Pretty sure that guy was agreeing with you.

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Edited By esqueejy

@mogan: well, if he was, it was pretty ambiguous if you too are only "pretty sure". hard to tell sometimes....a hazard of comment-boarding. gave a like to be on the safe side hehe

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@esqueejy: Very obvious your someone who love Neil Cuckman cause your running defense in everyones comments so yeah. I bet you have Cuckman pics in a strine in your closet or better yet recordings of Abby sex scene or your phone cause she seem more a man than Neil at least she fights her own battles.

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Edited By esqueejy

@chorn83: LOL...I don't even play the LOU games, Captain Incel.

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Edited By blindbsnake

@asultana121x: "Never in my entire life up until a few years ago have I seen these people insult or ridicule their consumers, it's nuts."

I have a question... Why do you say "their consumers"? Because clearly they are not...

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Seems pretty delusional to me. "Look at all the sales, look at what the critics said, look at these numbers!" None of that really matters when you realize the same exact thing also happened with Mass Effect 3, years ago. Sure, maybe Neil feels like he's on cloud 9 right now with all of the praise the game is getting from the sheer amount of journalists pushing for this game to be the best thing since sliced bread but that high comes to an end at some point. Eventually, even delusional people have to realize their shortcomings and the shit story for TLOUP2 is no different. On a technical level, the game is amazing but once you look past the glamor of it all, there really is very little substance to justify the "superb storytelling" that these rave reviewers keep going on about. By no means am I saying that the game is bad. I would still personally rate it a 7 out of 10 just for technical execution alone. That being said, the story really falls apart and the gameplay loop is not only thematically inappropriate but also just plain boring. Overall, I'd give the game a high 7, low 8. Not terrible, not even really bad overall but definitely in need of improvement if the game ever hopes to be viewed in the same light as part 1.

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@ValedictorianXD: Mass Effect 3's ending was a warning of worse things to come from Bioware.

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@gamingdevil800: Wrong.

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@gamingdevil800: Yes, but to assume that the problem of ME3 is just the ending is to be short minded... TLOU2 has nothing to do with ME3, there is nothing in TLOU that doesn't fits the narrative or can be justified. ME3 is a different kind of beast...

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Labeling people as haters is dismissive and disrespectful of others' opinions. I can understand if someone states something egregiously offensive and/or doesn't have any kind of cogent and logic argument to back up their criticism(s) of the game, but to paint a broad brush and try and shut down anyone who doesn't like said game is both intolerant and petty. Good artists don't inoculate themselves from criticism, they listen to it. Not all of it, but some. There are some serious issues with the game (pacing of story, emotional manipulation, heavy-handed, on the nose storytelling, etc.) and it's unfortunate that we live in such sensitive times that, like so many others today, Neil wants to shut down anyone who disagrees with him rather than take some criticism to heart.

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@Jaykray: "There are some serious issues with the game (pacing of story, emotional manipulation, heavy-handed, on the nose storytelling, etc.)"

So... Narratives in general... Got it...

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Edited By Cylor

And everyone continues to ignore the slew of illegal, fraudulent copyright strikes Druckmann, Naughty Dog and Sony filed against a whole bunch of YouTube channels when the leaks broke, every single one of which was ultimately overturned.

I guess things like that just don't matter to anyone but the victims.

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@cylor: In all honesty, and after seeing what I saw, I don+t give a damn about those youtubers...

"victims" LOL... yeah Right...

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@blindbsnake: I suspect you'd feel differently if it was you.

Picking and choosing who should be exempt from laws based on whether or not we like them is exactly why our country is so fucked right now.

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Edited By blindbsnake

@cylor: "I suspect you'd feel differently if it was you."

Sorry... I don´t try to win money that way... So it would never be me...

"why our country is so fucked right now."

I have a feeling we are from different countries... My bad writing skills should be a good warning... Ahah

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@cylor: what victims. Youtuberz? Get a real job!

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Message for the haters, or GS D:

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So, the "f*ck the haters" was really the highlight of this mail and the main thing.

I guess this is the level in this website now...

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mogan  Moderator

@Warlord_Irochi: I mean, look how worked up people are over it here. This kind of nothing drama is clearly what a good chunk of this audience wants. : \

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Oldgun  Online

So If someone paid for your game, played the game and hated the game for its story; your response to them is "f**k the haters"?! Bravo.

Glad I didn't spend a dime on this game.

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@Oldgun: Yeah, context doesn't mean anything. he couldn't possibly just be referring to the people who were nasty haters on the internet. He TOTALLY must be referring to people who just politely didn't agree that the game was good.

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Edited By Warlord_Irochi

@Oldgun: There is a difference between not liking a game you purchased, for whatever reason, and being a hater; which is hating something just because you want to hate that something.

Kinda what you did with him is this comment, for example, by intentionally misunderstanding his words in a way that fits your narrative.

So yeah: Bravo.

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@Warlord_Irochi: Let alone that everyone knows there was an element of all of this that was sparked by the girl being LGBTQ and there being dark corners of the intertubes and the gaming community that overlap in terms of their hate echo chambers....who work themselves up into a frenzy and then make every effort they can to get people to join their hate brigade.

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@esqueejy said:

@Warlord_Irochi: Let alone that everyone knows there was an element of all of this that was sparked by the girl being LGBTQ and there being dark corners of the intertubes and the gaming community that overlap in terms of their hate echo chambers....who work themselves up into a frenzy and then make every effort they can to get people to join their hate brigade.

Of all the complaints and criticisms of this game that I've heard, that has literally never been a factor in any of them. Of course I realize that there are some of those people out there, but they're a tiny and thoroughly irrelevant minority. It doesn't make sense for Druckmann to go out of his way to single out such an extremely marginal fringe element, so it seems unlikely that those were the only people he had in mind.

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Edited By esqueejy

@cylor: LOL. There's even people in this comment board who have referenced it. Have you been living under a rock for the past year or so since it was first revealed? No, you haven't. So that leaves us with: you're lying and you've seen it and heard about the fits that were thrown and saw all of the anti"SJW" ranting that went on and the accusations about "agendas" and "pushing it in my face" and all that crap. Nobody's fooled. You don't get to just rewrite reality by asserting something that everyone is aware of simply doesn't exist.

And nobody's fooled either by the game of misdirection. It's like when certain politicians rant about "entitlements" or other surrogate issues that are really just bullhorns for their racism, and which they learned could be used to appeal to others' racism, but afforded them the thin excuse of claiming they're not really talking about their racism. Dogwhistling or whatever else you want to call it. Lee Atwater spilled the beans on that strategy long ago and it's precisely what that internet crowd does....decides something needs to be destroyed for one reason, then invents superficial other reasons to help hide the other reason and to make it easier to recruit people to the hatefest.

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@Warlord_Irochi: No there were plenty of people who played the game and didn't like it and that is a big FU to them as well that includes me as well. So speak for yourself.

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@chorn83: from the beginning they were counting on people either "loving or hating it". A "hater" is a different thing that, if you just didn't like the game, you should not feel identified by their "f*** the haters"

Mogan's answer to you explains it pretty well.

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mogan  Moderator

@chorn83: It isn't though. Unless you're choosing to identify as the kind of person who sends death threats to voice actors because of the character they played, who can't explain why they dislike the game without insulting the people who made it, or who rushes to every TLoU2 comment section to rant about how a game you've never played sucks for "political" reasons, then you're not a hater and you aren't being told to get ****ed.

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@chorn83: Nope. YOU speak for YOURSELF. You're trying to speak for Druckman as to what he meant by haters, and no reasonable person understands him as attacking anyone other than the people who were complete d-cks about it on social media/the intertubes.

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