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The Great Wall Comic Features Monsters And People Getting Stabbed In The Back

The original graphic novel is a prequel to the upcoming film.


Legendary's newest monster flick, The Great Wall, hits theaters on Friday, February 17. Fans of the movie can check out a prequel comic, which will give readers some insight into the film.

The Great Wall: Last Survivor follows Bao, a young member of The Nameless Order tasked with protecting the wall and defending the world from monsters. The comic takes place 60 years prior to the events of the film. You can check a preview of the upcoming book below.

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The 128-page hardcover graphic novel is written by Arvid Nelson and features the art of Gian Fernando. Last Survivor will hit comic shops and the digital market on February 24 for $25.

The Great Wall film stars Matt Damon and is directed by Yimou Zhang (House of Flying Daggers). It is Zhang's first English-speaking production and the biggest movie to ever be filmed in China. Check out a trailer for the movie to get a better idea of what to expect.

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