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New Lord of the Rings prequel won't have multiplayer, not coming to Wii U

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is in development "wholly as a single-player experience," developer says.

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Upcoming Lord of the Rings prequel Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor will not include any multiplayer and is skipping a release on Nintendo's Wii U, developer Monolith Productions has confirmed.

"Alas, no co-op. Shadow of Mordor is being crafted wholly as a single-player experience," the studio said on Twitter.

Regarding platforms, Monolith explained that the game is coming only to PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. The developer did not explain why Wii U owners won't get to play the game, but it's possible the platform's shortcomings might be to blame.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is Monolith's second game based on J.R.R. Tolkien's epic fantasy series, following 2012's MOBA Guardians of Middle-earth. Shadow of Mordor takes place exclusively in Mordor and has gamers playing as Talion, a Ranger with Wraith traits.

For more on Shadow of Mordor, check out the 8-minute walkthrough trailer below and our previous written coverage.

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