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Spot On: System Wars 2008

GameSpot asks industry illuminati to predict whether the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, or Wii will emerge as the holiday victor, and which will go on to be the ultimate winner in this generation of the console race.


The latest next-gen console battle is well under way. The Xbox 360 was the first to launch on November 22, 2005, in the US, followed by the PlayStation 3 on November 17, 2006, and the Wii on November 19, 2006. However, in Europe, things were turned a little on their head, with the Xbox 360 launching on December 2, 2005, followed by the Wii on December 8, 2006, and the fashionably late PlayStation 3 on March 23, 2007.

The previous console cycle saw the PlayStation 2 scoring a decisive win. Since it debuted in 2000, the machine has gone on to sell more than 120 million units worldwide and is the best-selling console in history so far. After overtaking Sega's ill-fated Dreamcast, which launched in 1999, it went on to fend off new rivals such as the Nintendo GameCube and the original Xbox, which both went on sale in 2001.

Part of the PS2's success was Sony's scoring of must-have console exclusives on the format--including Gran Turismo 3, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, the Kingdom Hearts series, and Final Fantasy X. Indeed, many people bought the console just to play Grand Theft Auto III and its two successors, Vice City and San Andreas, which all debuted on the PS2 before being eventually ported to the Xbox and PC.

In today's market, though, high-profile exclusives are fewer and farther between. Many developers are choosing to go multiplatform to recoup the rapidly increasing costs of producing games for the so-called "HD Era." These include traditionally PlayStation-focused Japanese publishers such as Capcom and Koei, which both have announced a strategy going forward to make all titles multiplatform.

What does the industry think? Which console has the best lineup of games this Christmas? Which is most likely to entice consumers to part with their readies? Will there be a console to rule them all?


The Wii is the cheapest of the three systems at £179 ($250 in the US)--but its scarcity has led to massive markups on eBay. The PS3 and the 360 have both recently had price cuts, with the new 40GB PS3 costing £300 ($400) and the premium 360 costing £250 ($350). If you want top end, you can get the 360 Elite for £300 ($450) or pick up an 80GB PS3 in the US for $499 or a 60GB while they last in the UK at £349.

The Xbox 360, which has been out the longest, has probably the strongest 2007 holiday lineup, a fact that is somewhat to be expected. The library for the 360 is the biggest and currently adds up to well over 300 games. On the exclusive tip, the hugely successful first-person shooter Halo 3 generated more than $170 million in its first day on sale in the US and sold more than 5 million units worldwide by the end of November. The 360 also exclusively has the newly released sci-fi role-playing game Mass Effect, which has sold more than 1 million copies since its late November release, and the flight sim Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, which boosted 360 sales in Japan.

Following on into 2008 and beyond, exclusives coming up for the 360 include Lionhead's Fable 2, the psychological thriller Alan Wake, the real-time strategy Halo Wars, and Silicon Knights' sci-fi action adventure Too Human, which is due out at the beginning of the year.

The PS3 has the fewest games out at the moment, with around 160 titles currently on the market. Recent games, such as Heavenly Sword, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, have made a stir and have been joined by the recently released SingStar, which gives gamers access to the SingStore to buy new tunes. In North America, the just-released Unreal Tournament III will be exclusive to the console until next year (alongside its PC release). However, the console's biggest exclusives are arriving next year, and they include Ubisoft's first-person shooter Haze and the long-awaited swan song of Konami's popular Metal Gear series, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

The Wii has just under 250 titles currently out, including the critically praised bestsellers Super Mario Galaxy, RPG Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and WarioWare: Smooth Moves. Hot exclusives coming up include Suda 51's weird world of No More Heroes, Mario Kart Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. However, two of the oldest games for the system--Wii Sports and Wii Play--remain among the top titles for the game, since they come bundled with the console and extra controller (respectively).


Sony has had its fair share of bad publicity, which Sir Howard Stringer has called "unkind," surrounding the PS3. But according to upper management, those teething problems are now behind it. Stringer commented that the PS3 was "making a comeback already" and that production issues had been solved, adding, "We believe PS3, going forward, will be vital to our future and will succeed." The company also touts the PS3's powerful Cell processor as a plus to the system, along with the ability of the console to play Blu-ray movies at a price cheaper than most actual Blu-ray players.

Sony Computer Entertainment New Zealand's head of marketing, Warwick Light, said that in comparison, the Wii was not actually a next-gen system. He said, "Look at the tangible differences between processing power and scope for scalability between the PS3 and the Xbox 360. It is clear that the PS3 is designed to last until the next generation... DVD is current generation. Why would you support current generation?"

Microsoft has argued that Xbox Live and Xbox Live Marketplace are two of the biggest reasons to go with its console instead of one of its rivals. Xbox Live Video Marketplace recently launched in the UK, Ireland, Canada, France, and Germany and is already going strong in the US, where a wide variety of TV shows and movies are available for download.

Last but not least, Nintendo claims that it is not involved in the console war at all, but is merely doing its own thing and going its own way. David Yarnton, Nintendo UK's general manager, said, "We are not fighting our competitors, we are fighting apathy... Instead of trying to improve technology for its own sake, we decided to focus on those who weren't even playing games, who weren't on the radar."

Yarnton thinks that the Wii is "inclusive, not exclusive" and that it will drive sales outside of the usual "teenage boys." However, one thing that may hinder Nintendo's home run this Christmas is that even if everyone wants one, no one can seem to find one on the shelves.


So how are game-industry analysts handicapping the ongoing console war? Michael Pachter of Wedbush Morgan Securities believes that the PS3 is going to come out ahead in this cycle--eventually. He explains, "I believe that the Blu-ray functionality built into the PS3 has greater value to a wider number of consumers than does Xbox Live or the fun factor of the Wiimote... Had all three launched at the same time and price, I think the PS3 would have been ahead from the beginning."

However, Pachter puts his odds on the Wii winning this holiday season, simply because of the price. He told GameSpot, "Wii will win this Christmas, because of price. Xbox 360 will finish second, and PS3 a not-so-distant third, again because of the price."

Colin Sebastian of Lazard Capital Markets agrees that the Wii is likely to have the merriest Christmas. He said, "For this holiday, the Wii clearly has a lot of momentum." He stated that the console will end up on more lists to Santa because of its cheaper price and strong marketing and because it reaches a broader market than "traditional" consoles like the 360 and PS3. He continued, "Clearly, many consumers are showing that they place a higher value on accessible and straight-forward gameplay and less on high-definition graphics and leading-edge processing power."

However, Sebastian doesn't believe that the race is predictable beyond the immediate future, and he thinks that at this stage any of the three consoles could still end up on top. He said, "It's very early in the cycle, so calling a winner in the console battle may be somewhat premature... Looking ahead to the remaining years of the cycle, we could see a more distinct segmentation of the video game console market. That is, Nintendo selling into a larger market of casual gamers, while Sony and Microsoft battle it out over the traditional core gamers. In terms of market share, I think it's safe to say we will see an even playing field versus the domination of Sony the last time round."


All three consoles have their fans and detractors within the industry. The platform that seems to have gathered the most opinions on both sides is Nintendo's Wii, which has been at the front of the firing line due to its runaway success. Electronic Arts was one of the first companies to come out and say that it regretted not supporting the format more heavily from the start.

John Riccitiello, EA CEO, commented, "[This transition has been] harder because of the complexity, and much harder because, unfortunately, we bet a little bit on the wrong horse in focusing so much on the PS3 and Xbox 360, and to a lesser degree on the Wii. And let me assure you that almost all of us in the industry made the same judgment. So after so many transitions of guessing exactly right, we got this one a little bit wrong, and we're dealing with that now with strong investments on the Wii."

Square Enix president and CEO Yoichi Wada has gone on the record about his own opinion of the Wii. He believes the console has changed the gaming environment completely and called consoles such as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 "overengineered" and "too complex." He said, "There are too many specs--and you also need a high-definition TV, a broadband connection, and a deep knowledge of gaming. These consoles are mismatched to today's environment. In a year or two years, they will fare better."

However, not everyone has been so kind about Nintendo's little console. Sega's US vice president, Scott Steinberg, said that he was "concerned about the depth of the Wii pool." The Sega executive expressed concerns that developers would run out of ideas and that the console might be just a fad. He said, "How much value can developers and creative folks get out of this wrist motion two years from now, or five years from now, or 10 years from now? The Wii will start to look really dated in a couple of years when developers get more value from the 360 and learn more about the PlayStation 3." However, Steinberg later "clarified" his statement by saying, "I'm not just putting the responsibility of innovation on Nintendo. It's on Sega and all the publishers and developers as well to carry that flag."

Possibly the most famous Wii skeptic is Developer 9 founder Chris Hecker, who gave his controversial opinion at this year's Game Developers Conference. He told the stunned audience, "Everyone loves the Wii. 'Oh, God, the Wii, we love the Wii so much...' The Wii is a piece of ****. Nintendo have uncovered the secret to Wii manufacturing. The way you manufacture a Wii is you take two GameCubes and some duct tape." He then continued on his tirade to accuse Nintendo of not caring about games as an art form and praised Sony and Microsoft for taking them seriously.

However, Hecker later issued a statement retracting his comments, saying, "I do not think the Wii is ****." Hmmm...

Gary Chambers, creative director at Introversion, told GameSpot his personal favourite is the Wii, because, "You can say the controller is just a gimmick or whatever, but I think it adds a lot to the console, and games like Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition are just fantastic. I can't imagine playing them on any other system. I'd love to develop a game for the Wii. I think there is incredible potential for some very unique games, even if it hasn't completely been realised by the industry yet."

However, the developer admitted that although he personally liked the Wii, the PS3 was, in his opinion, likely to ultimately win the war. He said, "The PS3 will win this generation, just as the PlayStation and PlayStation 2 did before it. The Wii is doing incredibly well all over the world, and the 360 got off to a great head start, but ultimately I think the vanity of the modern gamer is going to win out and the PS3 is going to be the console providing the best visuals. As soon as the price drops to a range which the average person can afford, I think we'll see PS3 sales skyrocket right past the competition."

David Jaffe, cofounder of Eat Sleep Play and creator of Sony's God of War series, is also cautious on the Wii, believing that although it is currently the console du jour, things could shift in favour of another very fast. He told GameSpot, "It's easy to say today who the winner is, and that would be Nintendo hands down. But you're starting to notice the winds are blowing in other directions these days. Whether these winds will be strong enough to shift the leadership position in the marketplace is hard to say."

Famed game designer American McGee is more secure in his opinion. He casts his vote decisively for the Wii and told GameSpot in an interview, "From the beginning of this most recent (re)cycle, I've had my money on the Wii. In my opinion, Sony and Microsoft didn't do anything truly innovative this last time around--just your standard hardware upgrade. The success they've seen with online downloadable content was, by their own admission, an unexpected fluke. But Nintendo made a distinct statement about what constitutes a games console, game controller, and play experience. In a sense they removed themselves from 'the war' and created their own playfield." As to second place, he thinks that will go to the 360. He said, "This is mostly because I think Microsoft established a strong early lead with sales and content, and Blu-ray will ultimately fail as a standard."


A fair few people chose to sit on the fence and show love to everyone. Miles Jacobson, managing director of Sports Interactive, told GameSpot, "I think all three machines are really good, and all of them are going to have exclusive titles on them that you'll want to play... I'm very fortunate in that I've got all three consoles at home, and they all get played. The Wii tends to get played when friends who are nongamers come round, the 360 tends to get played by me, and the PS3 tends to get played by my mates who are gamers because they haven't got one yet... The real winner in the console war is the consumer--how cheesy is that? Well, as long as they can afford to get all three, I suppose."

Jonathan Smith, development director at TT Games, has much the same opinion. He told GameSpot, "The 'console war' is over, and the winner is gamers, who now have more choice than ever."

Turbine Games executive producer Jeffrey Steefel agreed, saying, "What's interesting with the consoles right now is that they're so different. In the past, the console wars have been perceived as just nine versions of the same thing. But they really are this time, completely different, and I think each one draws a different crowd... So now you've got stratification of the consoles, which I think is great for the consumer. It's never existed before."

Ed Daly, studio head at Zoe Mode, also prefers a diplomatic approach. He said, "I hope that across different territories and with different audiences, all three can compete healthily, which is good for consumers and good for developers... At Zoe Mode, we've worked with Sony on Sony platforms, and I've never bought into some of the negativity around PS3. With the likes of Home still to come, I feel the ambition and vision of PS3 could exceed a lot of current expectations." But for Nintendo, "The hard question is whether Nintendo's strategy and Wii software sales can continue to succeed over the lifetime of this generation. Personally, I hope it does."


Some developers think that the current system war will end in a stalemate, with no single format being named a clear winner, contrary to previous hardware cycles.

Denis Dyack, president of Silicon Knights, put the idea forward during his talk at this year's Leipzig Games Convention Developers Conference. Dyack explained to the audience that he believed it to be inevitable that there would eventually be a generic "video game machine," much the same way as there currently are DVD players.

Dyack called the process commodification, and he believes "all technology, under any circumstance, becomes commodified." He explained that there was no clear winner in this generation's system war and that this was leading to problems for developers. He said, "Nintendo has come out of the gate much faster than everyone anticipated, but how about longevity? The 360 is doing well in America, but not so well in Japan. The PS3 is off to a really slow start but they have a good brand name, so the truth is, no one knows... And trying to make a game on all three systems is very challenging, and I don't know many, if any, people that are doing that right now."

After his keynote address, several other members of the gaming industry admitted that they, too, would sleep easier at night if there were just the one console to contend with. Electronic Arts' head of international publishing, Gerhard Florin, also advocates a single, open platform and commented, "We want an open, standard platform which is much easier than having five which are not compatible." However, Florin thinks this is a ways off, giving the timeline as up to 15 years.

Katamari Damacy director Keita Takahashi also agrees, and he told GameSpot, "I want to see only one major console being retailed on the market, and everyone actually making games for just one console, and bring the price of that console down from what the three currently cost right now."


2008 looks set to be a huge year in gaming, with a wider range of choice open to consumers than ever before. Video gaming is no longer a niche industry, and its sales are making a noticeable impact on economies all over the world.

It remains to be seen which console will come out on top, or if different consoles will trump different regions, or whether all three will manage to somehow peacefully coexist. Perhaps, even, as Denis Dyack predicts, one day soon the term "system wars" will be irrelevant as a generic "video game machine" comes to market, and developers will have to worry about developing for only one platform, ensuring that everyone with that platform has access to every game.

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The ps3 will win out with blu-ray xbox 360 is stuck in the last generation with dual layer dvd's and wii already looks like a last generation console with frustrating controls for the perfectionist gamer. Sony has geard up for the long run with the 6cell processor and blu-ray. DIsney and Just about every other big entertainment company has backed blu-ray with only a small amount backing HDDVD look at the two top movies of the year Spider-Man 3 and Pirates: AT worlds end both blu-ray. Halo is nothing special and will die out when gamers realize how incredibly lame master cheif is and the comletely average gameplay of the game, played it nothing special I have fought aliens many times before in first person shooters. Kratos will destroy master cheif with one swift spartan swing of his chains swords. Halo 3 only did so well because of 360's early release and many people having the system. Ps3 will enhamce they're online when sales go up and more games are produced. Wii will prove to be a fad like razor scooters and parachute pants when developers run out of ideas and gamers realize the controls are more annoying and take no skill(hence why its so popular among every generation.) Microsoft will either create a new system in a few years to match ps3 (or out due it), die out as a gameing producer, or merge wth sony (which would be ideal). Ps3 uses some of the mechanics of Wii it's just not based around those controls, when developers get the full hang of ps3 they will take advantage of the 6 cell processor and blu-ray disc. just may take a few years.

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Seraphim_24, I see where you're coming from, but there are many factors in your argument that are flawed. Yes right now there are around 14% of people having HD. But that will soon change. If you live in America, you will find out that around Feb 2009, all channels will be switching to HD. So you're kinda forced to upgrade to HD or be left in the dust. Usually when people upgrade they also buy new fancy things to go with their new HDTV. If Sony can get people to adopt Blu-Ray by then, they might be able to get first. And a second thing, consoles do not sell games. It's the other way around. The PS2 didn't win just by a head start. It won because it had a huge library of games that people wanted. Since most of the sequels of those smash hit PS2 games are coming to the PS3, I would say that it still has a pretty good chance.

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wouldnt making one console slow the industry, becasue then their would be a lack of competition and thus a lack in the quality of systems made. This would also result in no major advancements occuring, i.e. better grapics. We would be stuck with one sole console for year on end, unlike today where the average life span of a system before it is replaced witha newer model is around 5 years.

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Gamefan said: Ps3 will win in the long run. There's no doubt about it. It has too many continuing series and high future interest to not. 360 will last 3 more years or less because MS will need better technology.....DVD9 won't last; it's old gen technology. You can't just keep patching things up or it's going to have negative results (look at're you going to make it play on 360 without an HDD and memory card?). need more franchise to compete on the long term or you're not going to be able to make those numbers go any higher. Excellent online service doesn't make a console, games do. You don't have enough of them for the future. The current future exclusives don't have enough interest and won't be enough to compete with ps3's. I say- PS3 is the most expensive to develop for with the weakest sales of the three. This is why you see so many multi-platform titles on the weaker 360 performing better than the PS3 (Assassins Creed, Guitar Hero III, Splinter Cell, Fear and just about every other multi-platform title). Simply put it is cheaper to optomize for the 360 than it is for the PS3, and developers simply go where the sales are. What you said may happen, but nothing short of an act of God will bring about this PS3 dominated future you predict based on curent market data which shows the PS3 gaining sales, yes, but remember that pre-holliday sales have not been on par with the 360 or the Wii both of which continue to outsell the PS3 even during these hollidays. If teh PS3 maintains its momentum post hollidays it still has some catching up to do with its competitors and to be honest the gamers go where the games are and developers put the games on the system that they think they have the best chance of making the greatest sales on... With the 360 and Wii having a larger install base than the PS3 I am wondering if you can supply any real world facts that support your speculation, because you (and several PS3 biased "market analysts") are not backing up your data you are throwing out conjecture and trying to disguise it as fact. Fact is we don't know what the future holds, but common knowledge (and a simple search of the sales reports) reveal that the PS3 is not trending to be the market leader. That is all we have to go on at this point. Sony fans need to realize that any king only lasts so long before it is overthrown. Perhaps it is simly Sony's turn to fall. Let it go man, just let it go, because unless these trends (Developers taking major titles to te 360 and perfecting them there, consumers buying more Wiis and 360s, and more games for the coresponding systems, and so forth) change it is unlikely in realistic terms (Based on current market data from the NPD) that Sony has what it takes to continue its dominance. Especialy when they are cutting features not adding them. Right now Nintendo looks o be the winner, but that will only hold true if they can get enough systems out there to meet demand.

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If there were only one console, and it was popular enough, wouldn't that create a sort of monopoly? I don't know, it's late, im tired, and slightly stupid

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pudgeman007, Nice find dude! I think I wet my pants watching the Versus XIII trailer. These are games that the PS3 need if it wants to climb to first place. I hope the game matches the trailer cause I would so totally pick it up(ok...faster, cause I would still pick it up even if it wasn't like that). I still have my fingers cross that Square would make a surprised late 2008 release for FFXIII.

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Good point godzillavskong. [You didn't text this, but it's kinda related :D] Remember, just because a console has the most potential doesn't mean it's the one you want. What if no companies use that potential? Quite possibly leaving the PS3 in the dust [I seriously doubt this], but who knows. Certainly not I.

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Typically the console that is on top at the end of the year once all competitors have shown up for the fight stays on top. The only exception is that the SNES DID eventualy beat the Genesis, but only because the SNES stayed in the game well past the Genesis lifecycle. I supose PS3 COULD do the same thing, but I'm betting that the PS3's sales will taper off significantly once the hollidays are over and people realize thier 40 gb system won't plat GTAIII. Too much faith is being put on BluRay to move this Game Cosole, but only about 15% of AMerican homes have an HDTV, so someone needs to explain how BluRay movies are going to save the day for a console that has cut every feature people DID want in favor of the one few if anyone actually use. (Sacrificing backward compatability for BluRay). BluRay may be winning the HD format war, but that does not net them a victory in the console wars. Typically people buy game machines to play great games, and movies are an after thought. BluRay doesn't hurt, but I doubt it'll help topple the Wii Juggarnaut. Wii will kil itself by simply being unavailable for too long. People will simply become disinterested. If I had to guess, (And I have all 3 systems) I would say that the 360 will likely overcome its hardware failure reputation and become # 1 everywere except Japan UNLESS Nintendo gets its ship together. I honestly think that anyone declaring Sony an "eventual victor" at this point is only kidding themselves. SO much went wrong with the PS3 that recovery at this point will take an act of God.

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@dragonman46534 Where do you get your info from? Do you have a 1080p tv? I can assure you that my 360 displays several games(Mass Effect, Halo 3,etc.) in 1080p via my 46' LCD Sony Bravia which truly makes these games NEXT GEN.

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Some interesting information from this article. Only took me like 20 minutes O_O Ah well, I'll be supporting my company. Will you?

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All I know is that I just picked up Mass Effect and that game simply blew me away! Next-gen visuals, gameplay, and story. If the 360 can continue to get that kind of software support, it could be a strong console to go against. Not to mention Bioshock and Halo3. We all know that the PS3 is a next-gen hardware powerhouse, but the games haven't arrived yet. Maybe Drakes fortune. I think the PS3s titles are coming, but until then I'll wait to buy one. The Wii is selling to everyone who can find one. Its a very fun console but It doesn't hold my interest very long. Best software lineup=360, Most potential=PS3, Most innovative=Wii. So I guess all 3 are worth buying

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Nintendo is the clear winner they just have changed the way we play. I can’t think on a PS4 or a XBOX 720 without motion sense capability. And its so dam fun to play whit the wiimote they just will keep selling more and more, plus they have a lot of good old games from nes, snes ,N64 and the other consoles in their virtual console library, and say whatever you say the PS3 and Xbox 360 is the same old thing just whit prettier graphics. Isn’t?

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The Wii will last as long as they keep pumping good games out. The fact that the wii is doing better no just cause its cheaper,, though that is part of the reason,, the other reason is because the core gamers have separated into two groups,,, xbox fan boys, and the ps3 fan boys. If you put the two masses together,, then youll see that the real next gen actually is selling more than the wii,, and dont forget there are people out there that are buying all systems,, like me,, who appreciate what all these systems offer,, ill buy the 360 last cause i would rather buy another system and games than pay for the internet capablities and the wi fi, and the hd dvd player,,,,, i bought a wii already but i took it back cause it was defective,,and they couldnt replace it so i just took my money back, they had nomore wiis to exchange,, but stringer was right,, the xbox has more gpu's then the ps3 , so they can make great games that are simple in nature, with 720p definition,, i dont know why everyone thinks the xbox can run 1080p.. The ps3 is the true next gen system, with more sku's than the xbox,,,, wich results in better graphics,, and larger games that dont lag , and less loading times. Thats the power of true next gen,, and xbox has better online,, but sony is gonna have a network overhaul april 1,, yes i know its fools day,, but they nor i care about that holiday. Home will be open,, and the ps3 is working with several 3rd party companies that are gonna make even communicating to people from your ps3 to someone's cell phone possible,,,, the ps3 has an open network, so games like unreal tournament will have the ability to have user made maps to be implemented in the game,,,,, as to where the xbox has a closed network, and charge people additional for acsess. Xbox's greed is whats gonna mess it all up for them,,, they have the richest man in the world that runs the company,,,,, nuff said,, If Bill Gates gave some of that money to help make online free,,and stop wasting millions on stupid new advertising ads to compete with sony, then xbox might have a chance,, oh yeah,,, i forgot to mention better hardware,,, the ps3 is actually cheaper than the xbox,,, unless you go for no wi fi, no hd dvd player,,,, why do you think the ps3 costed so much? The thing i love about the ps3 is that they actually put everything in the system,, and nothing has to hang out like an external hard drive,,,, with there own pwer sources,,, and the ps3 doesnt over heat!

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I'd stop talking about exclusives... the only game that'll have the majority of exclusives is the Wii. But most of them will be terrible minigame compilations or very cartoony games that poorly incorporate the Wiimote. Not to say they won't be fun. The 360 and PS3 both have several exclusives themselves, although I'm predicting alot of timed exclusives and ports to come rolling past the consumer during this generation of gaming. Doesn't matter, I'm on my way to owning all three regardless!

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prajwalhellkm the ps3 games are on bluray and cost 60 bucks. where are you getting this $100 from? the question is why the 360s dvd games are $60 while its only $50 for a game on the wii. i think microsoft could pull ahead if the games were as cheap as the wii games seeing as they are using dvds still. it would cause sony to reconsider and the wii to **** its pants.

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Bobolacupcssr wrote: I think the Xbox 360 is almost like the Xbox, as the Simpsons say, it's "Malibou Stacy with a new hat!" I can't see anything new with the Xbox 360. " euhm... you obviously have an old CRT tv..I'm guessing a 20".. upgrade to HD... now you'll know what we're all talkin about. there's something called Component Cables... you know, RED, GREEN and BLUE... use them. I'm not even startin' on HDMI... you'll probably get lost.

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Ps3 will win in the long run. There's no doubt about it. It has too many continuing series and high future interest to not. 360 will last 3 more years or less because MS will need better technology.....DVD9 won't last; it's old gen technology. You can't just keep patching things up or it's going to have negative results (look at're you going to make it play on 360 without an HDD and memory card?). need more franchise to compete on the long term or you're not going to be able to make those numbers go any higher. Excellent online service doesn't make a console, games do. You don't have enough of them for the future. The current future exclusives don't have enough interest and won't be enough to compete with ps3's.

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what a waste of storage space, totally useless article.

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the Wii is already backorder in Canada... everywhere.. and the stores are receiving 10 units by shipment.. so unless Nintendo is hiding a huge last minute holiday shipment, they're losing this Holiday's battle on hardware... although a lot of Super Mario Galaxy games will be sold. I personally think that the 360 is going to keep risin' up with the recent releases over the last monthes and what's comin' up in the short future. Microsoft has enough exclusives and with XBL still kickin' hard.. and with the achievements, your replay value is way better than their counterpart (ie Assassins Creed) on the PS3. PS3 is doomed.. even if another God of War would be release tomorrow!

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damn... all this fuss about ps3 having bluray... bluray this and bluray that... has anyone stopped and wondered how much a game on a bluray disc would cost? it would be PHENOMINALLY high because of the following reasons: writing a game worth of 50gb isnt everyone's walk in the park.. even if some nutcase company did make one? they would never make another, simply due to insufficient returns, as they cant sell that game to any other platform, and not all ps3 owners will be interested in a game that costs about 100$... so in the end, it doesnt matter about bluray.. sony made a very wrong dumb assumption that by incorporating bluray in its system, it would win.. ms on the other hand, played with a lil more sense.. y bundle a format in the box which is of lil use today, and not sure if it would even stabilize as a good format? in the end, i doubt bluray will help ps3 much.. all its games will end up being in dvd8, and the playin ground is levelled.. i wont talk about the wii, which is targeted at an entirely different sector of the population.. ps: i wanna see ms an sony working together.. leave the games an consoles to ms, and let sony make the hdtvs and formats an whatnot.. i love bravia, i love xbox! lol.. dont call me ms fanboy, as i have neither console nor hav i ever even actually seen 1 myself... im rather isolated... and ask any game developer about it, and they'd rather make a game for x360 than ps3... poor luck sony...........

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Capt_Doom @Bosspower360: Halo 4 ? From what I've read ,besides Halo Wars, Halo games are done. Also, Bungie isn't "allied" with Microsoft anymore so there is no reason that Bungie wouldn't make some type of Halo-style game for the PS3. --- For someone who corrects a fellow poster, you might want to know that Bungie is still making 360-specific games. And that they are working on a new IP.

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To: Some_One_Plays you sure like to lick sony's @ss. pretty sadd

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Nintendo was great back in the day of n64. they made memorable games and didn't care if they had the best technology. now they are trying to make a quick buck. i want to shot Mario with a shotgun and watch his brains slide down a wall. so what if the wii sells more and win the ps3 and 360 they will always have the better games and will be the better system. the wii is for little kids and nintendo fan boys who would buy anything nintendo sells. i grew up playing the first nintendo and i have every nintendo game system but, the wii. ps3 and 360 are the top dogs. i own a 360 and never plan to get s ps3 since i hate all of sonys exclusive titles, kill zone was mediocre at be and final fantasy was like getting punched in the head over and over again. the only reason why the wii has motion sensor is because it is a gimmick.its a gimmick little kids who know nothing about games. its a gimmick for parents to buy the wii. and because i hate sony fan boys so much STOP USING EXCLUSIVE GAME AS A REASON WHY THE PS3 WILL WIN. saying because you have more exclusive games makes you better is like me saying the 360 is better because it has more games IT DOESN'T MATTER!!

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Crazy stuff... FF versus new footage << LINK REMOVED >> FF 13 new footage << LINK REMOVED >>

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I hope this war end soon, I don't care by whom I just want to see unbiased reviews and opinions.

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Avatar image for pro_gamer12345


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Even though I'm a huge nintendo fan I just have a feeling that the WII is going to be in second in the console wars. I think sony is going to come out first because of their major titles and blu-ray. $399 for blu-ray and hi-def gaming is a good deal. The 360 may have the good internet but they have nothing to back it up with except halo 3 and call of duty 4. Even though they released thier console a year earlier they are still losing the system war. By the end of 2008 the sales of 360 will go down majorly while the PS3 jumps up on sales. The WII will go up majorly for another year or 2 depending on what Nintendo could do.

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Avatar image for Azhar85


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"butooh arr playstation 3 dan wii" means all that consoles deserve to win...

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The Wii will win everyone, u know why? because not just gamers buy the wii, they are used in hospitals for physical therapy for patients recovering, old people use them to play games like brain age. moms use them to get exercise, dads download the old arcade games they played when they were younger. and kids play mario galaxy on them. i work in a electronics store, and PS3's are very rarely sold, wii's are ghost, and 360s sell retardedly fast too

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360 will win this!!!!

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@Bobolacupcssr : IF you think the PS3 and Xbox360 are like their predessors here's why: the PS2 and Xbox were both great. They both had a huge fan base. " If it isn't broke, don't fix it" On the other hand, the Gamecube SUCKED!!! ,so of course the Wii isn't like the Gamecube. it's the only system that can't follow the same path as before because what it would be following is a pile of crap. So in terms of being innovative, it better be or else it is going to fail just like the game cube. So here is no point in comparing next-gen systems to last-gen systems.

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Avatar image for BattleSword1


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Keep dreaming, Bobolacupcssr. There is NO WAY the Wii will win; the PS3 and Xbox 360 competition is too stiff.

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In war, there are always casualties. I think that Nintendo is goin' to go the same way its origional competitor, Sega, went. Then it will only be up to XBox and playstation. Personally, I'm rootin' for XBox.

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@Bosspower360: Halo 4 ? From what I've read ,besides Halo Wars, Halo games are done. Also, Bungie isn't "allied" with Microsoft anymore so there is no reason that Bungie wouldn't make some type of Halo-style game for the PS3.

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The Wii will win and remain victorious. I think the Xbox 360 is almost like the Xbox, as the Simpsons say, it's "Malibou Stacy with a new hat!" I can't see anything new with the Xbox 360. Theres about 4 games I think are worth getting (Halo 3, Oblivion, Asassians Creed and Call of Duty 4) And the online gaming I think is the best out of the three consoles, but the only one that costs and that cost is $88 AUD Per Year!!! Rip off. Same thing with the PS3 like the PS2, apart from a few great new features like well established, free online gaming, some motion sensor controls, online game/demo downloads, and BluRay is a great edition to it as there is more game content and better grapgics on a 50gb BluRay disc. Another nice feature is you can download content straight onto the PSP wirelessly, but i'm not sure if you can use the PSP as another controller, as it does not have motion sensoring, R2 and L2 buttons and a 2nd analog stick. There's quite a few good games, but thats it. The Wii... Amazing improvement from the Gamecube. This is the only cheap, unbraindamaged console at $350 AUD (comes with Wii console, Wiimote and Nunchuck), half the price of the normal Xbox 360 and three times cheaper than the normal PS3!!! I LOVE the idea of motion sensor and remote pointing, it makes you feel like your actually in the game, you are the character, it's your role, the Wii makes you do things that aren't actually possible in real life. But everyone says the Wii is for little kiddies, there are some excellent, shooting, fighting, racing, etc. games out there for older players. Only cons I think of the Wii is it dosen't play DVD's, but thats where todays cheap $50AUD DVD players come in handy, and also the harddrive is only 512Mb, but I'm sure Nintendo will release a update so the USB ports can take external harddrives. Even though the PS3 has the motion sensor too, the motion sensor for the Wii is used much more and you can also point and aim at the screen. Another great thing about the Wii is it can play all old and new Nintendo games including machines like the origional NES, Super NES, Nintendo 64, Sega Megadrive and GameCube, using either the Wiimote, Wii Classic Controller, or the GameCube Controller. There is lots of great software free or cheap downloadable from the Shop Channel. There are more channels released in Japan like the Everybody's Nintendo Channel used for downloading Wii and DS demos, but the current Australian channels are: -Game Channel; play Wii or GC discs -Mii Channel; create your own personal characters used in games, can be quite funny and entertaining -Photo Channel; view and edit photos straight off a SD card -Shop Channel; download games and Wii software/updates -Forecast Channel; easily check the weather from around the world -News Channel; easily check the news from around the world -Everybody Votes Channel; vote in polls with people from around the world -Internet Channel; browse the internet -Mii Contest Channel; post, judge and download Miis with a certain theme -Wii Message Board; get update alerts, recieve/send mail from other Wiis or Computers and shows daily game playing time People say that the Wii's graphics are crap compared to the 360 and PS3, but with the right TV and a component cable, the graphics are great. Although even with a small, old TV and a normal AV cable, the graphics definately beat the previous Xbox, PS2 and GC. The internet gameplay (Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection) is the worst of the the consoles (no chat or webcam.... yet) but don't take worst as saying it's bad, it's just not as good as the other consoles. I'm having a hard time choosing between the hundreds of great games, so many to choose from, so little money. The Wii will rule the 7th generation of console gaming, with the PS3 following at 2nd and the Xbox 360 at 3rd.

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PS3 is still gonna be running strong 5-6-7-8 yrs from now, how is the competition gonna compete w/ that? Look at the long run folks, Wii will be done in like two more yrs, and Xbox won't last past 2010, Who run it?

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Bosspower360: Uncharted flopped? I beg to differ. And how Heavenly Sword got it handed to it by a game released more than half a year later is quite beyond me. And Drake's Uncharted? What the hell? You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. I did a little checkup, and right now, the PS3 has less than a quarter of the exclusives the 360 has. But if you include current and future exclusives, the PS3 is set to have more than double what the 360 has right now and is planned to get in the future. And the PS3 already has half of what XBOX Live is: A place to download stuff and play Online (for free, no less). Home is a completely different experience and can't be compared accurately to Live (it's like comparing an orange to a zebra). Home is going to be like a mix of The Sims and Myspace/MSN. It's going to be a community. Yes, you can download stuff much in a similar way to the PSN Store, but that's just a nifty feature you can do.

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Wii all the way!!!

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Avatar image for sharpie_92


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I am SICK TO DEATH OF ALL THIS CONSOLE WARS CRAP!!!! I am with most of the third party developers as i want just one console universally so it puts an end to all this. I am also tired of hearing the wii isnt for hardcore gamers or the PS3 is too powerful or the 360 is going to run out of games. I own a 360 and a wii so i can get the full potential out of the market. I didnt purchase the PS3 not because i didnt like it but because i ran out of money because i would have to purchase 3 consoles just to play all the games i wanted. One console universally to end console wars and so the consumer will save money!!! EDIT: i am also a hardcore gamer and love the wii as well as the 360 that i own its just a shame i ran out of money for the PS3

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xxgameheadxx: I'm with you on that point of Nintendo doing Hardcore Gamers Wrong. I Had Every System, NES with Mario Bros Series Castlevania Series, Mega Man Series, Zelda Series, Then on to Super Nes with Donkey Kong Country, Mario Kart, Street Fighter Series, Star Fox, Super Contra, Super Ghoul's N Ghost, F-Zero. Then On to N64. Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Wcw Revenge/ WWE No Mercy, Killer Instinct. Then On to Gamecube i Had Super Smash Bros, Soul Caliber with Link as the Hidden character, Naruto. As I got 2 N64 I was feeling that I was outgrowin the Mario Games. But N64 Came out with Golden Eye and I thought Nintendo was Growing up with me. But that was not the case. I had got the gamecube as my 3rd system so i wasn't really disappointed with nintendo as i was with the N64. I got Ps1 and Ps2 because Sony was giving the gamers the games they wanted 2 play. Tekken Series, Grand Theft Series, Madden Series, Nba Live Series, SmackDown Series, Knock out Kngs/ Fight night Series. So Ps2 was lookin real good when Gran Tourismo Came out and the God Of War Series Came out. But i was starting 2 feel like i wanted multiplayer games without my friends coming over everyday 2 play them. So I got Microsoft. Xbox. Halo 1 wasn't online but 2 was. Crimson Skies, Forza Motorsports, Project Gotham 2, Snk Vs Capcom 2, NBA 2k3, Dead or Alive Ultimate, Guilty Gear x2, these games gave me the competive edge that i never had on ps2. so when review and Breakdown about the Next Generation was given and Microsoft said Xbox Live was the Future of Gaming I Believed it cuz i had already experienced the Previous version. Xbox So far Has Delivered Every thing they said they would. The Ps3 didn't listen to the people that made Sony Number 1 in the previous Generations and therefore are paying the same price Nintendo paid on N64 and Gamecube. I mean Let's face it Sony had people waitin for there console to comeout even while 360 was out. When the price was Revealed and The Features Disclosed and the lineup being sub par they Abandonned the gamers who made them nuber 1. 599 and a bullsh*t Lineup. Their network is still sh*tty. Their Lineup is still Majority of 1 player titles. Only an Upgrade from Graphics point of view. way to waste 599, oh I mean 499, No How about 399. Man 360 all the way.

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To Bosspower360, Time magazine game of the year? WTF do Time magazine know about the subject? What about Womens Own magazine, was it their GOTY? Get a grip, and some punctuation.

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Avatar image for Some_One_Plays


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To: Bosspower360, lol, I'll make one more comment. The Nintendo Wii is selling the most yet has the last amount of games. If you compare it to XBOX 360's first year to the other systems PlayStation 3 would've dominated. There's a reason why Microsoft launched their console a year ahead. XBOX 360 is winning balltes but the war will end with PlayStation 3 still standing. If all consoles were out at the same time we would have seen Killzone 2 and Halo 3 batllting for best first person shooter.

Microsoft was expecting a clean sweap by now but that didn't happen. Even with an early release the PlayStation 3 can still surpass it. If you didn't notice all of the big exclusives on the XBOX 360 are released. You can't say the same for Nintendo Wii or PlayStation 3. The games you mentioned were highly antisipated but most of those are just gems. I'm still waiting for the diamonds / bigger titles to be released and we all know diamonds can't break, lol.

P.S. I also want to add Nintendo is getting casual gamers which is their biggest mistake. Causual gamers don't go out everyday to buy the lastest games out there. They play causually because so far their console sales don't match the game sales.

<< LINK REMOVED >> check it out it's my full comparision of all three consoles. It isn't done but you can see where I'm going with it.

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Bosspower , you sound like the biggest X-bot of all. Bioshok was also on pc so dont get you panties up in a bunch Rachet was not a flop it got 9's every where else...sorry but the 360's games aint doing nothing in 08. I'll be playing LBP,MGS4, Killzone 2, FF13,GT5 while you play halo3/gears of war.

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To Some_one_Plays :An Operating System? A 250 gb Hard Drive And No Games. Get the point. U tell me How many PS3 games were Game of the month. 0. Drakes Uncharted Has Better Graphics than Gears Of War. Gears Of War Has More Awards Than Uncharted. Game Of the Year 2006 u kno that kind of Stuff. Gears Of War was last Year's Game of the Year. This Year's Game of the Year Bio Shock Is Light Years Better Than Uncharted And Anything Else Exclusive On Playstation. Blu-Ray, 1080p, The 250 gb hard drive Can't Change what it is A Game Console. If I Want a System with 200 gb Hard drive I would get A Laptop. When I want the best Games I Go 360 All the way. Uncharted Flopped, Ratchet Flopped, And Heavenly Sword got its A** handed to it by Halo 3. Go Pick Up Time Magazine and c what they think is game of the year. it's not drake's Uncharted or any other Ps3 game. It's Halo 3. And if Ps3 do close the gap Halo 4 would open it right back. u got 2 b kidding if u think ps3 is gonna rebound from this demolishing it is takin by Nintendo and Microsoft. They dropped their price twice in a year and i still only know 2 people with it. my 360 friendlist is as big as my Myspace page and I use it more than Myspace. PS3 is Better stop talking Blu-Ray and talk Games and an online community or else they r done. Home Better Mimmick Xbox Live or it will die out. Home Dies So Goes the PS3.

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Ps3 all the way.

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just for the record, i use to support nintendo untill i saw the wii, had every nintendo console but then they released the wii, didn't think it was worth my money or time so i got the ps3 instead because i had also baught a ps2 and new the sequels to the hit games were coming out on the ps3.

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It's too early to tell who's going to win. Right now the clear winner is the gamer who owns all 3 consoles (like myself). The Wii make keep the lead, but it depends on if 3rd party developers will continue to make games for it when many of their titles don't sell well on the Wii. The PS3 could catch the Wii & XBox 360, but it depends on if Sony can release more quality exclusives that appeals to their fans. Can Sony lower the price of the PS3 down to $199 without going bankrupt. XBox 360 could take the lead if they lower the price of their 360 to below the Wii's price and starts releasing software that cater to elderly, casuals and Japan gamers. I still think the Nintendo & M$ will release a new console before the PS3 finally catches up. By then, no one will care as a new next-gen war will have started.

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Playstation 3 is going to win this

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To: Everyone, Don't be part of the "bandwagon fallacy" towards the PlayStation 3 if you haven't tried it don't say anything. I'm not saying everyone will like it now but later you will for sure. It's an impressive machine plus Haze is due next month. I think if you try the system you'll like it more then you thought you would. I'm done here I'm not trying to force Sony down your throat but don't pass up the opportunity if given to you.

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