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Spot On: Japanese devs' spin on 360

Despite a massive effort, Microsoft's console is still struggling in the Land of the Rising Sun; Executives and game designers discuss why--and what can be done.


TOKYO--It's no secret that the Xbox 360 hasn't exactly seduced the Japanese market. Even though Microsoft spent lavishly wooing the island nation, its new platform's December 2005 launch in the territory was largely met with indifference. By contrast, the 360 was nearly impossible to find in Europe and North America for months after its November 2005 launch, despite reports of now-infamous hardware issues.

Nevertheless, the 360 had a substantial head start in Japan. The other next-generation consoles didn't launch in Japan until late 2006--the PlayStation 3 on November 11, and the Wii on December 2. And although the Wii's 25,000 yen (about $215) price point made it the clear favourite for frugal gamers, the 360's 39,795 yen (about $343) cost put it below both the 49,980 yen (about $431) 20GB PS3 and the 59,980 yen (about $517) 60GB PS3. (Both PS3s have since been discontinued in the US, and the 20GB was never released in Europe.)

So how is the 360 faring in Japan one year after the next-generation war began there in earnest? In a word: poorly. Though Microsoft claimed to have sold over 11.6 million consoles worldwide through the end of July, only 1.5 million of those were outside North America and Europe. Indeed, various reports pin the number of 360s sold in Japan as less than 500,000 and as low as 420,000. Nor do the platform's fortunes appear to be improving. For the week ending September 23, 2007, Japanese industry tracker Media Create reported that only 1,687 Xbox 360s were sold in Japan, compared to 10,732 PS3s and 24,992 Wiis.

Microsoft is quick to point out that the Xbox 360 is doing well in other regions, with 6.8 million in North America and 3.3 million in Europe as of July 31. Consequently, the console's success in Japan, or lack thereof, will not make or break the console. Clearly, though, the publishing giant wants to break into Japan, an influential region regarded by many as the holy land of game culture.

So what has Microsoft done wrong? Aaron Greenberg, Xbox Live marketing director, thinks that the problems go back to the original Xbox, which sold poorly in Japan after debuting there in February 2002--nearly two years after the PlayStation 2's debut.

"The feedback we got from the original Xbox console was that people didn't like the black colour and they didn't like how big it was," he told GameSpot. "We worked with the Japanese design team to design the Xbox 360, so the console was designed with a Japanese style in mind. Hiroshi Ogawa, director of the 360-exclusive Infinite Undiscovery, concurred. "The first Xbox was a little big, a little bulky, and in Japan that doesn't go over too well."

That said, Greenberg isn't entirely convinced by the research and the reasons given by the Japanese respondents for not liking the console. He said, "This isn't like a car where you're driving it around town... I don't buy any of that stuff about the colour, to be honest with you. ... We listened to that advice and we made a white console, but then Sony made a black one, and theirs is now bigger [in Japan]. But I think if you have games people want, then they will buy the system."

So what must Microsoft do to court Japanese gamers? "In order to succeed in Japan, [Microsoft] needs Japan-created content, not just a lot of foreign games that have been localized," Soulcalibur IV lead programmer Masaaki Hoshino told GameSpot. Indeed, many developers say that, naturally, there is a bias toward Japanese games in the Japanese market. "People think [foreign games] are difficult and there's no guidance on how to clear the objectives," said Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation director Natsuki Isaki. "Now that has changed, and they are much easier to play, but this bias remains among Japanese gamers."

Natsuki Isaki agreed with his colleagues, "I personally like games like Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas, Gears of War, and Test Drive Unlimited," he said. "But I think Japanese players don't want challenging, stressful, difficult games. Japanese players would rather have role-playing games with a slow tempo, where they are led and shown what to do. So, maybe games like Blue Dragon will start to change things. When more of those kind of games come on to the market, then I think more Japanese players will accept the 360."

Indeed, Blue Dragon comes from one of Japan's most famous RPG designers, Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. The nearly 25-year industry veteran is one of several high-profile home-grown designers that Microsoft aggressively courted to create 360 exclusives for the Japanese market. Though other games developed through the program fared poorly at retail--games such as the Tetsuya Mizuguchi-designed action game Ninety-Nine Nights--Blue Dragon struck a chord with Japanese JRPG fans. In an interview earlier this year, Sakaguchi said the game was on track to double its sales target of 100,000 copies, which, although modest, is remarkable given the 360's tiny installed base in Japan.

At the moment, several Japanese-focused RPGs are in development, including two from Square Enix: the Sakaguchi-designed Lost Odyssey and Square Enix's Infinite Undiscovery. However, Ogawa thinks Microsoft needs to make more JRPGs if it wants to succeed in the territory. "I think in the previous generation that when it was the Xbox versus the PlayStation 2, Microsoft was unable to put out many RPGs," he explained. "They weren't able to put out the type of games Japanese players really play. And the resistance to 360 may be some holdover from that."

Given the fact the 360 had to overcome the Xbox's tarnished legacy, one might wonder why any Japanese studios decided to make games for it at all. Some designers say that they chose to work on the console simply because there were no other next-gen options at the time development of their game started.

"We really wanted to develop a high-end game, and the desire to make that kind of game was more important than the market to us in the beginning," said Infinite Undiscovery producer Hajime Kojima. "The PlayStation 3 wasn't out at that point. Also, from the business side of it, it was originally a Microsoft and Tri-Ace project, so obviously Microsoft was going to push for it to go exclusively to the 360."

Natsuki Isaki agreed, saying that the 360's early start is one of the reasons that Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation went solely to Microsoft's platform. He said, "One reason for choosing the 360 is that it was the first next-gen hardware to market. There was a big gap between Ace Combat 4 and 5, and we wanted to get the next phase out as quickly as possible, and the 360 was the first hardware available."

Hoshino adds, "The main thing driving us is that we want to create content to please the fans. And to do that, we want to have it available on as many platforms as possible to reach as many fans as possible."

Now that the PlayStation 3 is up and running, does this mean that development in Japan for the Xbox 360 will dry up? Unsurprisingly, Greenberg doesn't think so. "Square has announced two more titles for the platform," he said. "There's a new Final Fantasy XI expansion that has been added on. Capcom, Namco Bandai, and Konami have all brought exclusive titles to our platform. I think as we continue to grow our install base, we'll continue to sell a lot of games around the world, and we'll get more and more publisher support."

Also, some developers said they liked the idea that the 360, although unpopular in Japan, has a good install base in North America. Indeed, the popularity of Capcom's Lost Planet: Extreme Condition showed many Japanese developers--including the increasingly West-focused Square Enix--that the 360 can give their games a global audience. "The worldwide aspect is definitely there," Ogawa confessed. "Also, in terms of the next-generation consoles, the PS3 isn't quite at the level where the PS2 was, so if you're choosing a next-generation console, it's not such a great difference between the PS3 and the Xbox 360. We foresee that the Xbox 360 will expand."

Other than concentrating on nabbing more Japanese-friendly games like Blue Dragon and Infinite Undiscovery, what else is Microsoft doing to try to grab more market share in the region? Phil Spencer, Microsoft's first-party publishing general manager, said that the company is doing a number of things, including investing in projects that do not have a North American focus. He explained, "It is true that outside of North America and some European markets, the method for creating and nurturing community and their appetite for subscribing or purchasing content takes very different steps. You see us today focused with shipping very core titles like Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, but as you can imagine, our future endeavours go beyond simple Xbox 360 shrink-wrapped products."

Greenberg adds that he believes the recently announced spate of Japanese-developed Xbox Live Arcade games will help the 360 gain surer footing in the Japanese market. "A lot of small- and medium-sized publishers that make niche games more targeted to the Japanese market are now actually coming on Xbox Live Arcade," he said. "We've had the Capcoms and the Namco Bandais on Arcade, but now we're seeing increased support from [publishers] like Hudson. And then you get into studios like Treasure and Exit and all these other companies that really haven't traditionally had a large presence in the Western markets. They're focusing on Arcade because it's a great platform for them to make and sell original-style games that appeal to not just Japanese consumers, but consumers around the world."

Greenberg says he's happy that the future looks rosy in Japan for the console and that the next-gen war is far from over. He told GameSpot, "If I felt like where we were with the 360 in Japan was impacting our ability to get games out of this market, I would be more concerned. But we're seeing more publisher support here than we've ever seen before. We had more than twice the titles PS3 did on the Tokyo Game Show floor this year. We've got 300 titles. We have a larger install base. We outsell Wii and PS3 combined from a game standpoint. So I feel good about where we're at."

However, even Greenberg admits that for a new entrant and outsider such as Microsoft, the Japanese game market is a tough nut to crack. "It's a very mature market," he confessed. "People have owned consoles here for many, many years. People from 8 to 80 play video games here. If you go to the arcades, you'll see adults chain-smoking in suits playing games. It's wild."

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"Nintendo excluded, since they keep their finances in U.S. dollars, haha." What's that have to do with export/import ? Most Venezuela banks deal with US Dollars, and they US and Venezuela aren't really best friends, are they? The thing is each time you buy a PS3 that money goes goes into Japan exports figure ( a + on Japan side) and into US imports figure (a - on US side), that's a fact. It's the same as with China's export/import balance towards US which is becoming a problem to US economy. Anyhow, make no mistake a US citizen contributes more to his economy if he buys a 360 rather than a PS3/Wii. He's not beeing "unpatriotic" or such..., by all means..., but that's a fact. note: for example, no one can live nowdays without buying a China product for a year (I saw a good documentary on that, the other day).

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l337fool, its not that japanese hate americans products, its just that theirs are better. Since you said go to Japan, why dont you take a look in the country, I know cause I went. American technology is ages old in Japan, except for the PC department.

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rockstar_88:That means getting MGS/FF/RE/DMC exclusives. Um...DMC is superiorly more popular in America. MGS & FF would help, but neither of those developers are going to leave their core audience establishment.

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@ PiNwOrM Well like Morgan Webb once said at TGS 07, unless you regularly visit message boards, you know the 360 is doing pretty darn well worldwide.

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"The feedback we got from the original Xbox console was that people didn't like the black colour and they didn't like how big it was," Lol, I guess the fat PS2 was white and slim :D:D:D:D:D. Nice way of trying to say it was a design flaw :D

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Microsoft needs to give this up and stop wasting money trying to woo a market that wants nothing to do with them. America is where the 360 sells and the US wants more FPS. Stop this "family system" crap. Just focus on the states and on your shooters and stop trying to be something you're not.

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It's too bad the 360 has done so poorly in Japan, if it caught on there, I have no doubt it would (continue to be, make no mistake, the wii will over take it. I have doubts the PS3 will like everyone is claiming, though) be the next best thing to sliced bread. The 360 simply is the best console. No flamewar intentions here, no fanboyism - the 360 is simply the best console and if you disagree you either are a fanboy, have not touched a 360, or are a sheep.

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It's ironic when they talk of the original Xbox: "The feedback we got from the original Xbox console was that people didn't like the black colour and they didn't like how big it was," By this logic the PS3 should be doomed to fail... Unless being shiny makes up for the color and size...

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JRPGs have been going down in quality for a while now, pretty much because they're too generic and too long. If Microsoft wants to crack Japan, then they really need popular Japanese franchises on the 360, not new IPs. That means getting MGS/FF/RE/DMC exclusives.

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The lack of success in Japan is because the Japanese hate shooter titles. Profoundly. They like the RPGs, the Rhythm Games, and the puzzle games. Mix that in with almost constant hardware failures, and you have a community that frowns heavily upon a system. The hardware failures are why I no longer own the system, and why several of my friends are considering ditching theirs. Truth be told, the 360 ends up being a paperweight shortly after the launch of a huge title. It happened with mine, and with everyone I know. Why? Because while there ARE good games, they are few and far between. Now that Halo 3 has launched, what happens now? What do you have OTHER than Halo going into the holiday season. Halo will not do well for the holidays. Why? Because everyone already owns the damned thing. dj_copycat: Since when did graphics make a game? The Wii is selling everywhere because they are fun. Graphics were never the point. Also, I've found that the PS3 is, by all standards except for current game library, superior to the 360. Your last little statement about owning all three sounds more of a fanboy defense shield than truth. Article Note: Um, I thought Sakaguchi is no longer part of Square Enix, making his Lost Odyssey not a Square game. The two announced titles for the 360 are the FFXI expansion (oh my), and Infinite Undiscovery. Square doesn't like the system. Truth be told, they are going mostly mobile. 2 360 games, one is an expansion, 4 ps3 games, 10 mobile phone games, 5 DS games, 4 PSP games, and 1 wii game. Hmmm.

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"PSO or FF11 are not a good MMORPG's get some WoW and Xbox live will then rule the universe. " Problem is you can't give blizzard money to make a game for you they swim in something much like a money bin everyday. Every ten year or so they they get bored of bathing in gold and make a far overdue game which of course takes another ten years. Its pretty hopeless. If MS could somehow convince blizzard to make WOW for the 360 the console war would end that day as would productive society. I mean XBL and WOW together..... I don't even like WoW but I would probably play. I wonder what the achievements would be like. OMG OMG they could create a single player story mode with cinemas too. A beginning and an end! Ok seriously this will never happen. Blizzard = Lazy/Rich and MS isn't shrewd enough to even go there.

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"PS3 is better. Hardware wise and game wise" That's funny..., gamewise...

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They're putting up a very good fight and hopefully they'll be rewarded for their laborous efforts! They might not catch up to the PS3 or Wii but for pride's sake they'll try and win as many Japanese hearts! "If at first you don't succeed, lift yourself up and try again"!!!!!!!!!!!

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@punisher2k8 You a fanboy that makes me lol.. @mikefat WoW isn't a great MMO either.. Unless you like easy MMOs. Then WoW is for you.

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"TheoleDominion1 Wow Japanese people backing their OWN product? Sounds like a trait Americans need to learn. That's why Sony's $399 PS3 will overtake MS x360 in near future. Americans as a whole don't show such patriotism towards their OWN product." Oh yeah, I can see that catching on. Calling any American that owns a PS3 without owning an XBOX 360 a traitor to their country. Nintendo excluded, since they keep their finances in U.S. dollars, haha. Is that a Honda?! "Hang them!" Patriotism only works when people love, and respect their country. People have to be proud of their country and the things that come out of it to support it faithfully. We're known in the U.S. for taking practically everything for granted, so that's not going to work. I agree Americans should support American products, just not to a fault. So In this case yeah, XBOX 360 is a great system when it comes to having great games, and it has a good warranty so I guess that's okay. Nothing wrong with backing your country's own products. In fact it helps our economy when we buy local products.

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its amazing how microsoft is doing in japan compared to the us market it like the twilight zone

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@l337fool Yes, but FF is a system seller.. FF has gone down hill IMO, but as long as FF is on the logo it will sell millions.. No matter how good a new IP is..

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racisim is a NASTY thing isin't it football_legend?? Besides... EVERYONE in the world know's PS3 is better. Hardware wise and game wise ;)

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@mikefat WoW, isn't a good MMO either.. It's easy and FFXI started out good, Square jsut ___ it up..

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Wow, Japanese gamers don't like a challenge? For some reason, I can't believe that. Whenever I play a Japanese player online, they own me.

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I just hope Microsoft doesn't forget about their profitable regions; Europe and America. A lot of games are translations of their JRPGs, and while that's nice and all, I don't see much hope for Ameri/Euro gamers in '08.

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Skrew Japan! They need to stop wasting their time and get more badass xbox live games! It's simple put out more games like Gears & HALO3 with near perfect online play and make Bill richer that way. Redo Wolfenstien or make a Doom that's good online?! Jeez Xbox rocks because XBOX Live...Use your advantage and forget those who don't like your system cause the box is too big because thats retarded! Get World of Warcraft ON 360 and BOOYA you automatically get the asain market cause all the farmers! Not to mention the headlines of those idiots playing for 72 hours straight and dieing...theres no such thing as bad PR! PSO or FF11 are not a good MMORPG's get some WoW and Xbox live will then rule the universe.

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Eclipse_ShinRa @dj_copycat "Or is because the PS3 and Wii is getting more games they like? Not everyone likes Halo 3 and Gears of War.." No just the majority YAY majority you have good taste! "and 4-5 JRPGs isn't a lot." Still more than anyone else has. Takes a while for those games to be made.

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@smarb001 stfu, if you don't want JRPGs then don't buy then.. I want more JRPGs on the 360.. Are you 12? that comment makes sound like a fool..

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Eclipse_ShinRa "Why is everyone here calling the Japanese bais or saying they hate American products?" Well they are bias and do dislike american products. Go to japan sometime and talk to the populous you will find it quite interesting. "The 360 wouldnt be doing so bad if the had more games the Japanese liked..I mean some the stuff I'm reading is funny.." They need key exclusives that simply they will never get as such. FF, MGS, DQ, etc. Japanese developers know damn well they can make the 360 successful but would much rather waste developement time on the PS3. Its ok Nintendo is actually screwing up Sony right now because they are stealing a crucial market and handicapping developers with a outdated system. The Wii audience here is actually quite different from the people who buy games on a regular basis so we wont have that problem thank god.

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I started out liking Japanese RPG's but lost interest in them about four years ago. I got bored with the endless dialog and the turn-base combat. Now I love FPS to death for their fast paced action never a dull moment filled gaming.

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It'll be honest to say MS is trying hard. And I don't know why is so hard for some ppl to realise that in fact Japan is biased towards their own companies, I mean it's supposed to be the same is each country right ? Aren't americans proud to have companies such as Microsoft, which literally improved the world ? On the other news Halo 3 hit #1 at last weeks Japan's chart.

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how about letting x360 rule america and europe, ps3 for japan and europe, and wii for world wide domination? and i dont want rpgs on my japanese rpgs on the x360, if you want those go to japan.

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i think microsoft need to persuade the smaller developer in japan to join them. usually these guys are the one created games that is weird yet appealing to japan consumer. big guys like capcom and konami need their games to be appealing worldwide, maybe some japanese don't like them that much.

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[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]

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@dj_copycat Or is because the PS3 and Wii is getting more games they like? Not everyone likes Halo 3 and Gears of War.. and 4-5 JRPGs isn't a lot.

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Theole is right, WTF is wrong with the americans, support the nation, buy bill's product, a Seattle based product, not some items from tokyo.

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Why is everyone here calling the Japanese bais or saying they hate American products? The 360 wouldnt be doing so bad if the had more games the Japanese liked..I mean some of the comments I'm reading are funny as crap.

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Wow Japanese people backing their OWN product? Sounds like a trait Americans need to learn. That's why Sony's $399 PS3 will overtake MS x360 in near future. Americans as a whole don't show such patriotism towards their OWN product.

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Do you remember how the original ps1 and ps2 generation didnt have a clue about other consoles at the time.. ie Dreamcast , game cube , Xbox 1. some went as far to say.. ps is better because it has hundreds of games avaliable.. when these same people would only purchase 3 or 4 games.. There are still bias people who have moved onto the ps3 generation but in europe and america.. people are not so blind.. Im my local chinese shop.. I was chatting to the guy at the counter about games and he named a good few games that are on ps3. as he is waiting for the price to drop before getting one... these same games are on 360 and are actually better on the 360 .. anyway this guy said ..I know 360 is cheaper but I dont like 360.. im just not into xbox.. im sure he isnt the only one with this unexplained opinion Back to the Japan sitiation.. the bias ness still contiunues and always will.. the way to get the gamers on board is to get gimmick and add ons in loads of different colours .. nintendo has done this for ages and for some reason.. people still buy the same product that they already own just for the new version.. or different colour etc.. on a more serious note.. you need to jump on board the bangwagon of any latest cult book or show.. ie Naruto (where *** is at the moment) death note.. or whatever has people brainwashed at the time.. pokemon if need be.. once those games come out.. the units will sell.. theres no point in getting square to make a original title.. it wont wash no matter how great the game is.. all that money could have been spent developing a brain puzzle type game like coloums or rez or something that we in the west may see as weird.. this would probably do better in japan

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Im really hoping they do come up with more JRPGs for the xbox360. Never been a fan of the xbox. Always went with Sony and Playstation 1, 2, Portable and all that. When i first got my Xbox360 because i was annoyed that i couldnt grab a PS3 whenever i went to store, i didnt really like it, hardly played it, most would be like 3 times a month or so. Im a big fan of RPG games like Final Fantasy and stuff so im saving again for a PS3. But ill be really happy when Xbox360 receives some new RPG games. Itll at least make me happy that ive got a Xbox that can play whatever-exclusive JRPG game. Theyve definately got a chance in Japan as long as more Japanese content is put in.

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i was at this years tgs and all that filled the ms booth were americans, that includes me testing out assasins creed for 360 (which needs alot of graphical issues worked out). its not that the 360 sucks especially because they are helping to localize the american games, but they see what happends with american made console ie 3d0 and jaguar to name a couple. I say let microsoft run its course by getting finla fantasy and whatnot but if the japanese market doesnt want it i say dont force feed them.

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And bring more games like Chrono Trigger to XBLA.. I mean is that so hard?

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"As far as not understanding objectives or the logic behind N. American games, it makes perfect sense. The education system in Japan is set up to teach wrote memory and mathematics, critical thinking skills are not desired. So when they sit down in front of an open-world game, they HAVE NO CLUE what to do because they weren't told......." Then they must hate the Metroid Prime games with a passion. That would be a nightmare without creative thinking, and being able to figure out what to do next on your own. Or, just deciding to just run around blindly, hoping you find something. I think it also has to do with wanting to do everything correctly. Maybe they hate the possibility of missing something, and not being completely thorough. That kind of stuff can be very stressful if you aren't used to doing it. This could be why Zelda games have been decreasing in popularity in Japan also. And, I agree somewhat. In some games I'd just like everything laid out for me so I can just keep progressing. Most of the fun is in the gameplay, so when things get too difficult it can turn a game into a chore, thus making the game into work, defeating it's entire purpose. Which is to be fun.

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FINALLY! An article which explains the cultural differences between Japan and the rest of the world. In japan, if you cross your arms to form an X - people know exactly what console you are talking about - and thats the xbox. And the symbol isn't a good one! The gamecube, over here, was seen as a kids console. And it could never shake that image. Now the wii and DS have changed that image somewhat... However - you will notice alot of people moaning about the kinds of games that come out for the wii and ds - a distinct lack of mature titles. In japan - this isn't an issue because they don't strive from mature titles, the age groups which play games are much more varied. But over here we thirst for the kinds of games we are used to playing, you can only have one or two pet/animal games for the DS before people start getting bored. You could have 100's of those kind of games in japan, and they still sell loads. Resident Evil is bigger out here than it is in Japan, Halo is bigger out here than in Japan, Devil May Cry is bigger out here than in japan. Hello Kitty games? Not so big out here... Rhythm Tengoku? not so big out here... Infact, there are dozens of genres and games which never, ever come over here. And you will realise that alot of japanese games that make it over here are either characters we already know (mario, etc) or feature a more mature theme (mgs, silent hill...etc). Even final fantasy games are tailored for adults, to a point. What i'm getting at is to "educate" fanboys who believe that the 360 sucks in japan because "sony is the best"... etc. People are starting to get annoyed with the wii over here, because the games are becoming more like gamecube games - too user friendly, too childish, not enough mature content or themes for older users to grasp. When that feeling of "its like the gamecube all over again" happens - the japanese get the same feelings about the 360, when they see fps game after fps game, racing game after racing game... etc, they begin to tire because the console isn't promoting content that they prefer. When people buy a wii over here, people usually think of FUN games or quirky games. In japan, those are NORMAL games! Over here, people buy a 360 for its choice of games - alot of them involve combat of some sort - in japan, those are violent games, mature themes, intense gaming sessions - not much fun. They see games like that as we see fun and quirky games. Its a complete clash of cultures and just a few rpg's won't shake that.

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Avatar image for Eclipse_ShinRa


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The 360 would do fine in Japan, but MS needs to learn to open the market not everyone is FPS fans..((Yea they are some, but MS needs more JRPGs))) Yea the 360 has few JRPGs and I love them.. But 4-5 good JRPG isn't going to help.. MS needs to get more Japanese devs on bored.. Then they will have a chance in Japan.

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a younger target maybe.

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The Japanese will pick what ever thay want no one can try to tell them other wise.

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ClosetGamer "I've lived in Japan for the last 10 years. The Japanese are patriotic to a fault and it may seem dishonorable to not buy your countries product. They operate on a "hive mind" it seems. The majority do what is expected of them. "The nail that sticks out gets hammered." That is an actual phrase kids learn in school here. As far as not understanding objectives or the logic behind N. American games, it makes perfect sense. The education system in Japan is set up to teach wrote memory and mathematics, critical thinking skills are not desired. So when they sit down in front of an open-world game, they HAVE NO CLUE what to do because they weren't told......." Pretty much dead on. God I love America. Ya alot of things are jacked up because everyone is centric but thats what makes it so beautiful. They don't teach enough critical thinking here in the states either btw. Its counter productive to capitalism.

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Avatar image for BatrozX


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If Microsoft were able to make a deal with Square-Enix to put more Final Fantasy titles on the 360, the 360 would sell a lot more in Japan, the idea why the PS3 is selling more on Japan than the 360 is because the Final Fantasy series are going to continue on the PS, Final Fantasy XI is not enough for the 360. Japanese guys arent console fanboys, they are game fanboys, in other words, which ever system gets the most FF titles is the one they will buy the most. Although this is questionable but that's just my theory.

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Avatar image for AngelsongCA


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"The nail that sticks out gets hammered." Owning an American game system in Japan would definitely make you a nail that sticks out. If it doesn't catch on from the start so that "everyone" is doing it, then you're pretty much out of luck at being a success in Japan. I hope that isn't how it really is, or Microsoft is supporting a lost cause. But, on the plus side I think it's good that Microsoft is making like 12 RPG's just to try to appeal to Japan. That means us gamers in the U.S. and Europe will be getting 12 RPG's to play. Thank Japan for that.

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Ummm Yo the US is where the money is at. I'm sorry but Microsoft rules this great land. As for the Wii most people arent buying it as a serious gaming console they just picked it up for Wii sports henceforth the lame game sales. Halo 3 is gonna be a beacon of cash that is unrivaled to draw developers in with dreams of similiar success. I mean Wii sports 2 could match it but oh wait the Big N says they got better things to do (they have no idea what they are doing as usual). I for one am glad. MS is giving me things I only dreamed of years ago. Fatal Fury Special online anyone? I own 10 360 games and 2 are imports and sorry while eternal sonata is a good game it reminds me far too much of why I turned away from import style games years ago. I want my mayhem (Saints Row), I want my carnage (Gears baby), I want depth (smiles at his copy of Halo 3). I don't want games about freaken dancing mushrooms, funky colored hair heroes with swords (or umbrellas), and freaken simplistic melodramatic plots (ya green light saves planet bad blah blah blah bad government hates you nature loves you go hug a tree crap ). *sigh*

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MS doesn't have a chance in Japan.

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Japanese games are alright, i just hope they don't go overboard with them..

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