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Sony Wants A Faster Shift From PS4 To PS5 Than In Previous Generations

Sony is aiming for "a scale and a pace that we've never delivered on before" for players adopting the PS5.


The PlayStation 4 has been a huge seller for Sony, recently becoming the second-best selling console ever--only behind the PlayStation 2, which is unlikely to be overtaken. With the PS4 growing older, Sony is looking to segue that into success for its next generation and continue these high sales figures. New PlayStation boss Jim Ryan says the company's main goal is to move the community from the current generation to the PlayStation 5 more quickly than it has in the past.

Referencing the success of the PS4, Ryan told about leveraging the strong brand to the next gen.

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"These are gamers who are networked and sticky and engaged and passionate about PlayStation to an extent that we've not seen in previous generations," he said. "As we move towards the next-generation in 2020, one of our tasks--probably our main task--is to take that community and transition it from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5, and at a scale and pace that we've never delivered on before."

It's unclear how Sony plans to move players along to the new console or if this will impact its stated plans of releasing games cross-platform. Ryan went on to point out that developers and publishers have given good feedback on the PS5's development tools, something that was a particular issue with the PS3.

"One thing that makes me particularly optimistic that what we're hearing from developers and publishers, is the ease in which they are able to get code running on PlayStation 5 is way beyond any experience they've had on any other PlayStation platform."

This comes as Sony reshuffles its management to prepare for the next generation, which includes a more globalized strategy. For more on Sony's next console, check out everything we know about the PlayStation 5.

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Sony Wants To Transition Players To PS5 Faster = The Last of Us Part 2 PS5 Launch Title

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Uh, oh. I hope this doesn't mean they plan on shutting out PS4 gamers in some way. They really don't need to. The BC and performance boost for PS4 games is already a good incentive.

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@Barighm: With the news of the major corporate shakeup and big heads leaving Sony has me a little worried. I hope they don't pull what Microsoft did to original Xbox owners when they came out with the 360.

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@Barighm: That's what it sounded like to me.

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@Barighm: i fear this as well

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I think the best way would to not be pushy or arrogant about it. Simply make the transition worthwhile and as painless as possible. Most important is a reasonable price, no matter how appealing people can't upgrade if they can't afford too. Secondly make sure the BC works well with at least PS4 games, preferably running them even better than a PS4 Pro does, thirdly all save data needs to be carried over seemlessly, PS+ or not.

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@spectral: Better hardware costs money. If it's too affordable, that could mean the hardware isnt really all that improved. Cost vs Value means if you want a good upgrade, its gonna cost more.

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@spectral: Better hardware costs money. If it's too affordable, that could mean the hardware isnt really all that improved. Cost vs Value means if you want a good upgrade, its gonna cost more.

I know, but if they truely want to transition quickly it can't be too expensive or they simply price a lot of people out of even having the option to upgrade. It doesn't matter how powerful or appealing they make it, if people can't afford it they still can't buy it. That's not to say that there isn't a good market for expensive premium products, but that wont result in people moving quickly from PS4.

My guess is this is just random noise to get themselves in the news and the generation change will be business as usual. If not then we're going to end up with an under powered console to keep the price down or Sony will have to subsidise it and absorb some of the initial costs to launch at a lower price.

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