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Skyrim Anniversary Edition Patch Will Arrive Next Week

Bethesda has said it is currently working on a patch to address the black screen bug.


Bethesda has confirmed that it is currently working on a new patch for the Skyrim Anniversary Edition that will launch sometime next week.

Following the launch of Skyrim Anniversary Edition on November 11, many players have been reporting issues regarding a consistent black screen bug upon loading a save file. This error was supposedly linked to players who have a modded game and caused the game files to be interrupted.

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However, according to PC Gamer, the black-screen issue is now affecting players who don't have a modded game and is also showing up after completing the Civil War questline between Skyrim's two factions--the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks. PlayStation users are also reporting multiple freezes, infinite loading screens, as well as a glitch telling them to free up "0 kb on the system storage" to play, which is apparently a two-year-old bug.

Bethesda stated on Discord that it is aware of the numerous bugs and are working on a fix. "We are aware of the 0kb error some PS4 players are experiencing as well as the 'black screen' issue," it said. "The team has been working on a fix for these (it's taking a little longer than we'd like) and hopes to have them resolved as soon as we can." Bethesda also said that the patch is currently in the works and should be ready "early next week."

The Skyrim Anniversary Edition is the "most comprehensive" version of the game to date and includes additional Creation Club content, along with new quests, armor sets, weapons, and a new fishing mechanic. Players who already own The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition are able to upgrade the game to the Anniversary Edition for free.

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