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Play This Ghost Recon: Wildlands Minigame Now As Open Beta Preload Begins

You can download Ghost Recon: Wildlands' open beta now.


Ghost Recon Wildlands' open beta is available to preload now ahead of its start date of February 23, and a minigame is also playable at the same time. You can download the beta from the PlayStation Store, Xbox Store, or Steam--or, if you prefer, you can try an interactive map-based minigame within your browser.

The minigame, which is called A World With No Heroes, allows you to explore Wildlands' Bolivian setting through the eyes of 50 cameras. Many of these cameras have you tracking or identifying targets and you can earn rewards for the full game by doing so. These bonuses include unique emblems, XP boosts, and more. Try the game for yourself here.

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Now Playing: Ghost Recon Wildlands Beta Livestream

The full game's open beta, meanwhile, begins February 23 and will end four days later. It includes two provinces called Itacua and Montuyoc; there are 21 of these territories in the full game.

People who took part in the closed beta or try the open beta will receive access to the "Unidad Conspiracy," which contains three "exclusive" missions that will be available when the game comes out. Details are light at the moment, but Ubisoft said these missions will involve a "brewing conflict between the local Unidad military and the Santa Blanca." Note that you need to buy the retail version of Wildlands and play it before March 31 on the same Ubisoft account as the beta to get the missions.

Wildlands contains the largest open world that Ubisoft has ever made--you can see the game's massive map here. Wildlands launches for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 7, 2017.

In other news, Ubisoft has announced a live-action short film set in the game's universe. Called War Within the Cartel, the movie was produced by Roberto Orci, who wrote the screenplays for Star Trek and The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

For lots more on Wildlands, check out GameSpot's interview with the developers.

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