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Pandemic Horror Movie In The Earth Gets Scary And Trippy First Trailer

In the Earth was shot during lockdown by Kill List director Ben Wheatley.


The first trailer for In the Earth has been released. The new horror movie from Kill List and High-Rise director Ben Wheatley hits theaters on April 23.

Wheatley shot In the Earth last year while the UK was in lockdown and is set in a world that has been hit by a deadly pandemic. Joel Fry (Yesterday) plays a scientist who heads into a spooky wood with a park scout Ellora Torchia (Midsommar) to try to find a colleague who hasn't been heard from for several days. This being a horror movie, he's warned in advance that "people get a bit funny in the woods," and of course, things soon start to get very weird and scary. Check it out below:

In the Earth also stars Hayley Squires (In Fabric) and Reece Shearsmith (Good Omens). The movie was shot in 15 days last summer. Wheatley deliberately wrote a film with a small cast that is set outdoors to minimize the risk to his actors and crew.

In an interview with Downright Creepy, Wheatley spoke about the origins of the film. "I started writing the screenplay about two weeks into the UK lockdown," he said. "It was around March, so right at the start. It's been a weird experience making the movie because it projects into the future, but the future keeps catching up to the film. It's kind of the antidote to the fact that Disney is already planning films for the next 10 years and announcing them. When they do that it can feel like nothing new is ever going to happen."

Wheatley's next movie will be the sequel to the 2018 shark thriller The Meg. The director was previously attached to Tomb Raider 2, but he has since been replaced by Lovecraft Country showrunner Misha Green.

For more, check out GameSpot's guide to the biggest upcoming horror movies of 2021.

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