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Netflix Suspends Service In Russia In Response To Ukraine Invasion

Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine has led to Netflix joining many other companies in discontinuing service in the country.


Netflix has announced that it is suspending service in Russia in response to the country's ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

The streaming service's decision last week to discontinue its current projects and acquisitions in Russia, including four originals set in the country, has now been followed up with a more damning stance on the devastating invasion that has now stretched into its third week. The company is indefinitely shuttering its service altogether in support of Ukraine.

“Given the circumstances on the ground, we have decided to suspend our service in Russia,” a Netflix spokesperson said.

Netflix is one of the dozens of companies that have paused distribution or service in Russia following its unprovoked attacks on Ukraine. Last week, Microsoft opted to halt all new sales in the country, and the gaming industry as a whole is stepping up to support Ukraine. Of course, this is all in addition to sweeping sanctions from countries across the world that aim to apply pressure on Russia and cripple its economy.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a humanitarian crisis and has led to much suffering and a large-scale evacuation. If you'd like to help Ukraine during this difficult time, we've compiled a list of humanitarian organizations that you can donate to that help provide medical care and supplies that may save the lives of Ukrainians in need.

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