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Mortal Kombat X's Latest DLC Character Arrives Next Week

Tanya will become available starting June 2.


Mortal Kombat X's next DLC character, Tanya, will be available for download starting June 2.

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Series co-creator Ed Boon announced the news on Twitter, following an initial tease earlier this week.

Tanya will be available for Kombat Pack owners on June 2, while everyone will be able to buy her a week later, on June 9.

Tanya was previously confirmed as a DLC character back in March alongside Jason Voorhees (of Friday the 13th fame), Predator, and Tremor. She's been a playable fighter in a number of previous games, dating back to 1997's Mortal Kombat 4.

If you want to try playing as her without paying, you can wait for her to show up in a challenge tower, as was recently the case with Jason.

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