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Microsoft extending 360 warranty to three years

[UPDATE 2] An apologetic software giant to replace any console suffering "red ring of death" for free worldwide; extension applies to every console sold since launch; company will take $1.05 billion charge.


Today, Microsoft announced that it is once again revamping its warranty scheme for the Xbox 360. After mounting anecdotal evidence of the system's failure rate due to the dreaded "red ring of death" (three flashing red lights on the console's front panel), the publisher is changing its warranty to cover systems affected by the red ring for three years from the date of purchase. Any console that suffers the aforementioned failure in any territory the 360 is sold can be returned to Microsoft for repair for free, because the warranty also includes shipping charges.

"As a result of what Microsoft views as an unacceptable number of repairs to Xbox 360 consoles, the company conducted extensive investigations into potential sources of general hardware failures," the company said in a statement. The three-year extension is for all 360s, and will be retroactively applied to every console bought since the 360 launched. That means anyone who bought a console in November 2005 will be covered until November 2008.

[UPDATE] Peter Moore, Corporate Vice President of the Entertainment and Devices Division of Microsoft Interactive Entertainment Business, said he is personally sorry about anyone who's suffered a 360 failure. "We haven't done right by our customers, and for that I apologize," he told GameSpot. "We listened, and we're going to make it right." In an in-depth interview with GameSpot, Moore outlined the new warranty, and emphasized it would be "global" in nature.

Moore also shot down point-blank unconfirmed reports that Forza Motorsport 2 was "bricking" consoles. "It's not a software issue, guys," he assured GameSpot. "It's a variety of hardware issues which we're taking steps to rectify." Though he declined to name any issue specifically, Moore said that Microsoft has improved the 360 hardware to help ensure that future batches of 360 hardware will not suffer similar issues.

Customers who have already paid for repairs that would be covered by the new policy will be reimbursed automatically, according to Microsoft. As a result of this new warranty extension, the publisher said it will report a $1.05 billion to $1.15 billion charge to its earnings for the quarter ended June 30, 2007.

From its November 2005 launch onward, Microsoft's Xbox 360 has been plagued by reports of malfunctioning consoles. While the company downplayed reports of faulty hardware for the better part of a year after launch, last September it acknowledged that its original batch of systems was failing at an unusually high rate. Microsoft extended the standard 90-day warranty to a full year, and promised to reimburse all those customers who had already been made to pay for repairs.

In April, the company once again tweaked its warranty service, saying it would no longer charge shipping on repaired Xbox 360 consoles, and would extend the warranty on those repairs.

The new warranty extension arrives atop a growing tide of reports of 360 hardware problems, including a Monday report quoting retailers as saying up to 33 percent of launch units fail. To help clarify the question of 360 hardware reliability, GameSpot conducted a week-long informal poll of its users, asking simply, "Has your Xbox 360 failed?"

Of the 49,934 respondents who said they owned a 360, 27,579 (55.2 percent) claimed to have had no problems at all. However, a startling 22,355 respondents--44.7 percent--claimed to have had at least one 360 fail. Some 13,858 respondents (27.8 percent) said they had one console die: of those, 10,012 (20.0 percent) said their console was replaced for free and 3,846 (7.7 percent) attested they had to pay. Others were even less lucky, with 3,619 (7.2 percent) saying they had suffered two dead 360s, and 4,878 (9.7 percent) reporting over two instances of hardware failure. (The initial percentages were slightly inaccurate--GameSpot regrets the error.)

The poll results are not definitive, and given the open nature of the poll's voting, its results could be manipulated. However, there is a wealth of anecdotal evidence pointing to a high 360 failure rate. Inside the GameSpot offices, 23 editors own 26 360s bought between November 2005 and January 2007. Eight have had their consoles fail completely at least once; of those, two editors suffering complete 360 failures on two occasions. Two others are experiencing ongoing problems, including USB port failure and intermittent cases of the "red ring." The remaining editors have encountered no hardware defects.

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WOOT! Its about damn time microsoft! Glad to see they're finally owning up and making repairs for this stuff free instead of covering their ears and singing real loudly in the futile hopes that the situation will go away.

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Dmish82 said Did you see that RETAILERS are reporting that 1/3 of the 360's sold, come back to the stores due to failure? i did read what BB said about the returns, but thats just one retailer, which hasent exactly the best relationship with ms anyway, remember when xbox 360 was released and they didnt have many to sell so only gave them to people who bought loads of assesories? Again im not saying there isnt a fault with some machines as there obviously is, but i wouldnt put it at 30% or anywhere near that, if other stores came out and said there return rates then id believe it, but they havent which would suggest to me most stores are actually happy with the return rates.

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Good job offering the warranty, but a better solution would be actually offering a fix to the cause and doing a recall. If they keep dying what do people do after the 3yr mark?

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My hats off to MS for admitting a problem. They could have ducked the whole situation and just denied it like Sony has done again and again. (There is no problem with skipping Playstations, right Sony??) And they're putting their money where their mouth is....

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I've heard the IPhone had some heat problems too. However, someone should be FIRED at MS. Because now XBOX Japan is DEAD. Japan does tolerate manufacturer problems. I'm glad to see MS try to resolve this! Keep sending in those BAD XBOXs until they get it right! My assessment of X360 Problems: 1. X360 ATI GPU & Cache both PS3 and Wii don't have these 2. X360 case ventilation Why hasn't the NEW 65 or 45 nm silicon manufacturing been used on the GPU and components. What happened? Isn't the existing GPUs 90 nm?

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still trying to find out if i will get my 35$ back............. "what bout u flex" did u get new consoles or just send them in and pay?? As I said earlier, nesto...I've had my 360 since April 2006 with no problems...I have played everything from Dead Rising (which was supposed to break my 360), GOW, Lost Planet up to Forza right now. I've played Burnout Revenge at least 5 times a week for a year until the DVD is pretty scratched up but all works fine...except for the occasional disc error which I can live with. gmayronne i remember all the 360 fanboys saying "its only a small percentage", "only a handful", yeah right. time to insert foot in mouth on that one. I don't think so.....but it IS time to take your foot out, ok? Anyone who's waiting for redemption about a videogame systems' problems needs counseling lol

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good old MS they are awesome:)

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1. The cases of failure, and Gamespots measuring, are all biased. How can I say this? Simple! If a Sony fanboy is allowed to say everything is biased, then so can 360 fans. Its only fair right? No... Lets give the actual reasoning, the PS3 fans are, at this point, so obsessed with the fact that their console is loosing this generation, they are taking any and every bad tidbit for the 360, and amplifying it 300%. Take the poll for example, out of all those responses that Gamespot cites, I would like to see how many of them actually even OWN a 360, or have EVER owned a 360. I can bet $ money that the majority of those who cited problems were PS3 owners. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure this out. 2. Regardless of the situation, I have to say... Microsoft has one-uped their competition again, in terms of how they care for their customers. I mean, Sony, wouldnt even offer an apollogy about their hardware/software/service problems... Microsoft on the other hand, acknowledges it, and does their best to fix it. This is a great example, where all 360s now have a longer warranty! I mean, to own a console back in Nov 2005, and know that it will still be covered if it goes bad until Nov 2008?!? yAy :) So yeah, to sum it up... I guess the Sony fanboys have done ONE thing right ---- They complained to try to "burn" the 360, and instead, Microsoft flashed their cash and burnt right back. The End.

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remaGloohcSdlO Kudos to MS for at least acknowledging it AND doing something about it. Anyone remember the horrible PS2 problems, and the LACK of support by Sony? It took MS two years, isn't that to long?

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Um, arent u allowed to vote twice in the polls? I did at least 5 times. If you are allowed to vote more than once, then those numbers are false...............

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Working in retail myself i have to say that the failure rate on the PS3 is quite high too, however owing that noone here in europe has one it's not as noticible... however the PSP dear god i would say a 90% failure rate!

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Avatar image for d-suhiti


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WOW - I wanna kiss MS. Seriously, this is awesome news, and they actually admit their problems. Well done Microsoft :D

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Avatar image for Maeros4


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''Kudos to MS for at least acknowledging it AND doing something about it.'' yeah sure after downplaying it for a really long time... great support. They arent honest sorry because they would have reacted faster and dont downplay it by saying things break'' and it is only 3-5 percent... and now just in time they cover themselfs before the big media gets on it. I feel sorry for everyone who cant just play on their console they bought without worreying if and more so WHEN it will break.

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Most people complain about the price but most people have spent more to repair consoles. I mean People have replaced consoles 4-5 times at that point with fees and all dont use the 600 excuse. The only people I know who think that 600 is alot of money are students, old people who didn't save during their working years, low-income HS/College drop-outs, and last but not least people who let procreation control their lives."

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shadyjapes45, I wasn't trying to take sides in a console war here. I actually owned a 360 and liked it despite the red rings of doom issues I had with it. I then got a Wii and never picked up the 360 since I got a Wii. I then promptly sold the 360 as it was merely collecting dust and I do not own a PS3 so I can't really judge that at the moment. A 3 year warranty is great and all but it still doesn't change the fact that Microsoft should have already fixed this problem the right way the first time it happened. It apparently is still not fixed and is just inconveniencing the end-user.

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At least Microsoft owned up, lil late but. I'd still rather wait for my Xbox to be fixed than have a PS3 and be waiting for something good to play on it.

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Ugh still got the fanboys who dont get it or make pointless bashes...well then again this is the internet, and fanboys are fanboys. :P I doubt Sony users would be "loling" so much if the Xbox community was so immature as to constantly and ridiculously bash the ps2s hardware issues and MORE IMPORTANTLY the fact that Sony didnt do squat to help solve the problems ppl were having, unlike what MS is doing: AT LEAST TRYING. Anyways... from other viewpoints, I would NOT consider it unlikely that the issues are occuring in neary 30% of systems. Locally (just from friends that I have) that sounds fairly accurate. At the same time, you have people who repeatedly are having troubles (either a rly crappy system or they cant take care of it) and that may be having SOME effect on increasing that % beyond accuracy. Still, whether its 10% or 35%, its BAD. Its just good that things are being done now.

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I am glad ms is taking resposibility. I was so p.o.ed when my first ps2 went bad and eb lost the record of my warranty and i had to pay for another.

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This is good news for the entire gaming community. Everyone who spread their voice eventually let it be known that there was something wrong and MS couldn't sweep it under the rug with your generic PR BS. We as a community actually do have the power to make change. So with your system of choice be it a xbox 360, ps3, wii, ds, psp and you have a problem, let it be known to all of us. You might not be alone. Now if only we could do that for games, we might get more Riddick instead of FF4 :S edit: Oh yea, MattF... your image is so appropriate for the topic at hand. I'm still laughing :D

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"As a result of what Microsoft views as an unacceptable number of repairs to Xbox 360 consoles, the company conducted extensive investigations into potential sources of general hardware failures," Soo... Have they figured out what's causing the mayhem yet? Actually, has ANYBODY figured out what's causing all the red rings since they started looking two years ago? It's starting to turn into some gigantic mystery. Is it a series of random issues or some sort of voodoo curse?

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Why is the standard warranty time in the USA only 90 days? In Europe it's 2 years, for EVERYTHING!

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thanks microsoft.(no sarcasm)

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instead of making a big deal how they'll be putting right what once went wrong - at last - they should have been making a massive commitment to redesigning the entire board since year one. Not just adding a passive heatsink and crossing their fingers. They released a redesigned unit this year and kept the internals basically the same! You only have to look at the size of the power brick to see how messy engineering the thing was.

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Glad to see MS is doing something about this. Now I can get my $140 for repairs back.....

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FalconerX... Did you see that RETAILERS are reporting that 1/3 of the 360's sold, come back to the stores due to failure?

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Avatar image for remaGloohcSdlO


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Kudos to MS for at least acknowledging it AND doing something about it. Anyone remember the horrible PS2 problems, and the LACK of support by Sony?

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LAWL looks like you get what you pay for with 600 dollars. this is really embarrasing for M$ I cant believe this

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people saying that its like 30%+ failure rate are really talking crap to be honest and id defo put a bet on majority are simply lying, think about it 1, would once die hard loyal to sony developers be leaving sony in there droves releasing on xbox if there were that high problems?! 2, would trading standards allow something to sell to consumers with that high failure rate? (countries like UK are major strict on things like that) 3. Would ms say they will repair all consoles and refund them if they persist? seriously if you were a company would you simply give away 30% of your intake to make yourself look good? somehow i dont think ms got as rich as they are by doing that! in this internet age people can wine freely without needing proof, as someone else mentioned ms have and are changing the components to the xbox making it more failure proof, eventually those that broke will be repaired or replaced and this problem will be forgotten, once that happens people will just come up with a new way to target them, whats next the games are crap?! Technology breaks, it always has and always will, nothing is failure proof, but you now have the comfort in knowing that if your console does break your get a new one or itl be repaired.

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what is the power feed on the machine?

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well they are finally steping in the right direction anyone with the red lights can get it fixed now but now they need to fix teh design of the 360 so it dosent get so hot

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This is exactly why Japan wants nothing to do with Microsoft. Why would they want to adopt a new system that has a 1/3 product failure? They have Sony & Nintendo which thus far, deliver excellent quality. Just beating your competition to the marketplace doesn't guarantee a victory and MS is learning that lesson right now. Even you diehard MS fans have to admit that it's an inconvenience to have to ship your 360 out b/c the initial quality wasn't there.

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Microsoft make a nice move, admit an error, but could have addressed this issue a long, long time ago

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They wouldn't have to do this if they had made the 360's hardware better in the first place.

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Now if they would only answer their phone so I can send mine in...

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i remember all the 360 fanboys saying "its only a small percentage", "only a handful", yeah right. time to insert foot in mouth on that one. i knew they were screwing up pretty regularly because of all the posts people have made regarding this issue, and i have a friend whose 360 crapped out, he mailed it back and they sent him a new one, sure enough that one craps out and he is now waiting on his third system. ive had mine since launch and have had no problems what so ever, but for people to have to go through this crap is just stupid, thats great that they pay to fix it and give us that warrantly and all but its still a hassle to have to send off my system to get fixed because MS cant get there sh*t straight, i know my friend is pretty p*ssed, he just bought The Darkness, Transformers, AND Overlord on the same day his 360 crapped out, now he has to wait a week or so for MS to fix his P.O.S. 360 just so he can play his new games, lame.

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Hmm.I myself had my 360 get a failure last week,but it wasn't the three red lights,it was one light in the lower quadrant.I shipped it out already and am expected to get it back by E3 next week.Microsoft support was very helpful and I appreciate them repairing mine for free.I think the 3 year warranty makes more sense because a lot of people have had this problem,both on new and old consoles.Although the new ones are an improvement in terms of their hardware,they still have the same problems as my friend's 360 elite had a failure.Good job MS for doing something Sony is never willing to do,reward the consumers with good support.My ps3 is in working condition and luckily has a 2 year warranty as well,otherwise if it failed i'd have to pay a lot lol.MS is doing a great job supporting its customers with warranty and I can't wait for what they will show and announce at E3 next week.

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I don't get you people my 360 is over a year and half old and it still works great. I guess the reason is I don't play it every day and when I do not more than a few hours at a time.

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Avatar image for rtehrani


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this is a smart move by microsoft, its obvious that they are doing this for the people that are waiting for fixes to the 360s inner parts before they buy a 360. ive read about and heard many people say they will get a 360 when they stop failing so often. ms obviously realized this too, so they say "hey well give 3 year warranty", so the folks now know they have nothing to lose. and good news for me too, had my 360 since christmas and never had a problem, but still nice to know im covered for 3 years.

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When's the 65nm chip coming out?? That should take care of some heat issues.

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Why are people thanking MS for lying to us for 2 years? I say it's about time.

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WOOOOOT . GETTING MY 35$ BACK . they are sending checks out . and they will take 6-10 weeks for u to recieve them. " they said since they were changing the "POWER FEED???" it would take 2 weeks longer for them to fix my 360 , they have had it since the 26th of last month.

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I have an xbox 360 and the HDDVD. bought it on December 27 2006. bought it specifically for Blue dragon and HD DVD. It is still working since I take good care of it. I love the unit since it shows off my HDTV and the amazing visuals. However, looking at the console, there two things that make me worry: 1. The system generates a lot of heat. I have to place it in an open air environment. Placing it on a semi-enclosed space like an entertainment is a no no. 2. The system generates a lot of noise and vibration. The DVD ROM spins ALL THE TIME when you need to play a retail game. To be safe, you need to lay it flat and not in its 'standing' position to prevent damage. The problem is doing so will increase the heat build up since you effectively 'blocked' the other side of the vent system. Add 1 and 2 together and you get your Red Ring of Death.

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Time for my younger brother to get a new X-box 360. His system broke down in January. This is his third X-box 360.

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I just got my "repaired" 360 back yesterday and it worked fine for a day but now I'm getting the red ring of death again! I called them (and had to wait a bit longer to get in touch with someone but I can imagine why now after reading this news article) and they are going to repair this system again. They told me that if the next one that I get is broken they will let me speak to a supervisor and they'll figure out some way to reimburse me for my troubles, the agent said. So, I'm really happy that Microsoft sees this as a problem and is going to make things right. I bought my first 360 that had the problem in April of 06, and so it was a month out of warrenty when I paid to get it repaired. Now, I'll get that money back and I'm very happy about that. I took great care of my 360, and I know it wasn't an overheating problem. I'm just glad that they are taking responsibility for this issue.

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And in other news...PS3 drops its price by $100 per Kotaku. Dang, this is going to be a fun console war!

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mmmm only for us i guess what about the rest

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lol yay, as for the people saying that it's neglect that people's systems are dying, get your head outta Microsofts butts, my system sits on it's own table, about a foot and a half off the ground, nothing around it to keep it well ventilated and I've had to get 2 systems replaced. I barely touch the system itself, just to change games and often it's just gears of war or Guitar hero that I'm playing, so I just turn it on by the controller for the most part. :S At least Microsoft is admitting to these results and are giving the consumer an extended warranty. Good job, I'm happy to hear it :D

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good move on ms. should've started earlier but those stubborn b#&^@*d still haven't admited their hardware failure rate. they only extended in response to the current swarms of survey. sometimes, we just want the want the truth. just admit your failures and promise on improving. it's basic ethics. until then, i'd only say good job on the new policy but you haven't recovered my loss of respect for ms.

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