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Mayans MC Season 3: Can EZ Save The Club From Itself?

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With a brewing Sons of Anarchy war and in-fighting within the club, EZ getting promoted to a full-patch member may be exactly what Mayans MC needs.

There's a lot to address in Season 3 of Mayans MC. Not only has the death of Dita (Ada Maris) rattled a number of characters and relationships on the series, but EZ's (JD Pardo) status within the Mayans club has changed. In the first two seasons of the series, he was merely a prospective member. Now, as a full-patch member of the gang, he's gaining status.

"It changes [the dynamic] drastically because now he's a part of the conversation," Pardo told GameSpot. "You know, he's at the table. He's a part of the decision making process. His relationship has changed with all the other brothers. He's a brother. He's considered part of the family. So there's a comfort that comes with that. There's a settling in that comes with that, you know? It's like when you're trying out to make a team, you're on edge. And once you make the team, you feel like you can relax a little bit. And I think that can speak to EZ's journey, and Season 3 is that. He's starting to get comfortable, he's starting to relax."

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Of course, being at the table and being part of the conversation is going to change his relationship with one character more than any other; his brother, Angel (Clayton Cardenas). However, that's not a bad thing.

"I think their relationship is better than ever," Cardenas said. "I think in the previous seasons, you were seeing a brother that was already fully immersed in the club, looking out for his younger brother, who he felt should be living in a totally different life."

Now, though, Angel accepts the life his brother has chosen for himself, and even sees his potential and what it could mean for the future of the club.

"I think some of his ideals and thoughts on how the club can evolve may come across as a little ambitious," the actor added. "But I think, you know, once we get deeper into the season, we see the reality of EZ's thoughts and decisions, how they could actually help the club. But that's not to say that some of his decisions aren't the best for the club."

Based on the state of the Mayans at the end of Season 2, whether it's the inner turmoil among members or the brewing wars with rival clubs, perhaps EZ's ambitious ideas are exactly what they need to survive. The club's world is becoming increasingly dark and, after accidentally killing a Sons of Anarchy member, chances are a world of pain is coming down on them. If now's not the time for new and bold ideas, when is?

Mayans MC airs Tuesdays on FX.

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Chris E. Hayner

Chris E. Hayner is Senior Editor at GameSpot, responsible for the site's entertainment content. Previously, he contributed to a number of outlets including The Hollywood Report, IGN, Mashable, CBS Interactive, Tribune Media, and Nerdist. Chris loves all movies, but especially Jaws and Paddington 2.

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